Haria Apprels Limited

Notification/Circular Search

Page Name Circular/ Notification No. Circular/ Notification Date
Notification for filling up 01 (one) post of Programmer, National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), New D Notification 10/03/2025
Notification No. 18 /2025 [F. No. 196/46/2012-ITA-I] / SO 1099(E) Notification No. 18 /2025 06/03/2025
Reporting and Accounting of Central Government transactions for March 2025 RBI/2024-25/122 28/02/2025
Notification No. 12/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) dated 28.02.2025 Notification No. 12/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 28/02/2025
Extension of last date-Filling up the posts of Chairperson and three full-time members in NFRA Notification 28/02/2025
Implementation of Section 51A of UAPA, 1967: Updates to UNSC’s 1267/1989 ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida... RBI/2024-25/121 27/02/2025
Exposures of Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) to Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) – Review o RBI/2024-25/120 25/02/2025
Review of Risk Weights on Microfinance Loans RBI/2024-25/119 25/02/2025
Notification No. 17/2025 [F. No. 370142/28/2024-TPL] / G.S.R. 145(E) : Income-tax (Fifth Amendment) Notification No. 17/2025 24/02/2025
Filling up the post of Assistant Manager (AM) in NFRA at New Delhi on a Deputation/Short-Term Contra Notification 21/02/2025
Filling up of posts of Senior Private Secretary and Private Secretary in NFRA at New Delhi on a Depu Notification 21/02/2025
Filling up the post of Executive Director (ED) in NFRA at New Delhi on a Deputation/Short-Term Contr Notification 21/02/2025
Filling up of posts of Driver in NFRA at New Delhi on Deputation/Re-employment basis Notification 21/02/2025
Filling up of posts of Personal or General Assistant (Grade I, II & III) in NFRA at New Delhi on a D Notification 21/02/2025
Filling up the post of General Manager (GM) in NFRA at New Delhi on a Deputation/Short-Term Contract Notification 21/02/2025
Filling up the post of Deputy General Manager (DGM) in NFRA at New Delhi on a Deputation/Short-Term Notification 21/02/2025
Filling up the post of Chief General Manager (CGM) in NFRA at New Delhi Deputation/Short-Term Contra Notification 21/02/2025
Money Market Operations as on February 19, 2025 Press Release: 2024-2025/2198 20/02/2025
Notification No. 11/ 2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) dated 17.02.2025 Notification No. 11/ 2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 17/02/2025
Reserve Bank of India (Prudential Regulations on Basel III Capital Framework, Exposure Norms, ... RBI/2024-25/116 17/02/2025
Government securities transactions between a Primary Member (PM) of NDS-OM and its own Gilt Account RBI/2024-25/115 17/02/2025
Notification No. 10/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) Dated: 14.02.2025 Notification No. 10/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 14/02/2025
Export-Import Bank of India’s GOI-supported Line of Credit of USD 120 mn to the Government of the So RBI//2024-2025/114 13/02/2025
Export-Import Bank of India’s GOI-supported Line of Credit of USD 180 mn to the Government of the So RBI//2024-2025/113 13/02/2025
Notification No. 16/2025 [F. No. 300195/31/2024-ITA-I] / SO 731(E) Notification No. 16/2025 12/02/2025
Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) (Amendment) Regulations, 2025 Notification No. FEMA 14(R)(1)/2025-RB 12/02/2025
Filling up of one post of Programmer in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal on deputation ba Notification 12/02/2025
Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Amendment Rules, 2025 Notifiacation 12/02/2025
Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt and Payment) (Amendment) Regulations, .. Notification No. FEMA 14(R)(1)/2025-RB 11/02/2025
All Agency Banks to remain open for public on March 31, 2025 (Monday) RBI/2024-25/112 11/02/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 09/2025–Central Tax dated:- 11.02.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 09/2025–Central Tax 11/02/2025
Filling up the posts of Chairperson and three full-time Members in NFRA Notification 10/02/2025
Filling up of various posts on deputation (ISTC) basis at Serious Fraud Investigation Office SFIO Notification 10/02/2025
Inviting comments of all stakeholders on draft amended Recruitment Rules for the post of Prosecutor Notification 10/02/2025
Notification No. 15/2025 [F. No. 203/27/2024/ITA-II] / SO 673(E) Notification No. 15/2025 10/02/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 09/2025 - Customs (N.T.) dated ;- 07.02.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 09/2025 - Customs (N.T.) 07/02/2025
Notification No.08/ 2025-Customs (N.T.) dated 07.02.2025 Notification No.08/ 2025-Customs (N.T.) 07/02/2025
Notification No. 14/2025 [F. No. 370142/2/2025-TPL] / G.S.R. 125(E) Notification No. 14/2025 07/02/2025
Notification No. 13/2025 [F. No.370142/9/2024-TPL] / G.S.R. 121(E) Notification No. 13/2025 07/02/2025
Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Access Criteria for NDS-OM) Directions, 2025 RBI/FMRD/2024-25/127 07/02/2025
Change in Bank Rate 07-02-2025 RBI/2024-25/111 07/02/2025
Standing Liquidity Facility for Primary Dealers 07-02-2025 RBI/2024-25/110 07/02/2025
Liquidity Adjustment Facility - Change in rates 07-02-2025 RBI/2024-25/109 07/02/2025
Notification No. 12/2025 [F. No. 225/235/2024/ITA-II] / SO 524(E) Notification No. 12/2025 03/02/2025
Notification No. 07/2025- Customs (N.T.) Dated: 01.02.2025 Notification No. 07/2025- Customs (N.T.) 01/02/2025
Corrigendum_to_the_notification_number_05_2025_-_Integrated_Tax_Rate_Dated_31.01.2025 Corrigenda to the notification number 05/2025 - Integrated Tax (Rate) 31/01/2025
Notification No. 06/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) Dated: 31.01.2025 Notification No. 06/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 31/01/2025
Framework for imposing monetary penalty and compounding of offences under the Payment and Settlement RBI/2024-25/108 30/01/2025
Modified Guidelines of Funding Research and Studies, Workshops and Conferences etc. under the Plan Notification 29/01/2025
Private Placement of Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) with maturity period of more than one year by RBI/2024-25/107 29/01/2025
Notification No. 11/2025 [F. No. 203/24/2024/ITA-II] / SO 471(E) Notification No. 11/2025 27/01/2025
Notification No. 10/2025 [F. No.370142/26/2024-TPL] / GSR 76(E) Notification No. 10/2025 27/01/2025
Notification [No. 01/2025-Central Excise (N.T.)] Dated: 23.01.2025 Notification [No. 01/2025-Central Excise (N.T.)] 23/01/2025
NOTIFICATION NO. 08/2025 – CENTRAL TAX Dated: 23.01.2025 NOTIFICATION NO. 08/2025 – CENTRAL TAX 23/01/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 07/2025 – Central Tax Dated: 23.01.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 07/2025 – Central Tax 23/01/2025
Notification No. 9/2025 [F.No.370142/18/2024-TPL] / GSR 67(E) : Income-tax (First Amendment) Rules, Notification No. 9/2025 21/01/2025
Notification No. 8/2025 [F. No. 370153/01/2025-TPL] / SO 348(E) Notification No. 8/2025 20/01/2025
Guidelines on Settlement of Dues of borrowers by ARCs RBI/2024-25/106 20/01/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 04/2025-Customs (N.T.) Dated: 17.01.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 04/2025-Customs (N.T.) 17/01/2025
Prevention of financial frauds perpetrated using voice calls and SMS – Regulatory prescriptions and RBI/2024-25/105 17/01/2025
Coverage of customers under the nomination facility RBI/2024-25/104 17/01/2025
Seeks_to_prescribe_Compensation_cess_rate_of_0.1_Percent_on_supply_of_taxable_goods_by_a_registered_ Notification No. 01/2025-Compensation Cess (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 08/2025-Union Territory (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 08/2025-Union Territory (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 07/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 07/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 06/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 06/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification_No._05_2025-_Union_Territory_Tax_Rate_Dated_16.01.2025 No. 05/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 04/2025-Union Territory Tax (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 04/2025-Union Territory Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 03/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 03/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 02/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 02/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 01/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 01/2025- Union Territory Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 08/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 08/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 07/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 07/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 06/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) Dated: 16.01.2025 Notification No. 06/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 05/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) Dated:-16.01.2025 Notification No. 05/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 04/2025-Intergrated Tax (Rate) Dated:-16.01.2025 Notification No. 04/2025-Intergrated Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 03/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) Dated:- 16.01.2025 Notification No. 03/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 02/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) Dated:-16.01.2025 Notification No. 02/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 01/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) dated:-16.01.2025 Notification No. 01/2025- Integrated Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 08/2025-Central Tax (Rate) Dated:-16.01.2025 Notification No. 08/2025-Central Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 07/2025- Central Tax (Rate) Dated:- 16.01.2025 Notification No. 07/2025- Central Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 06/2025- Central Tax (Rate) dated:- 16.01.2025 Notification No. 06/2025- Central Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 05/2025- Central Tax (Rate) Dated:- 16.01.2025 Notification No. 05/2025- Central Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 04/2025-Central Tax (Rate) dated:- 16.01.2025 Notification No. 04/2025-Central Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 03/2025- Central Tax (Rate) Dated:- 16.01.2025 Notification No. 03/2025- Central Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 02/2025- Central Tax (Rate) Dated:-16.01.2025 Notification No. 02/2025- Central Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Notification No. 01/2025- Central Tax (Rate) Dated:- 16.01.2025 Notification No. 01/2025- Central Tax (Rate) 16/01/2025
Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) (Third Amendment Notification No. FEMA 395(3)/2025-RB 16/01/2025
Foreign Exchange Management (Foreign Currency Accounts by a person resident in India) (Fifth Amendme Notification No. FEMA 10(R)(5)/2025-RB 16/01/2025
Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, 2025 Notification No. FEMA 5(R)(5)/2025-RB 16/01/2025
Notification No.03/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) Dated:-15.01.2025 Notification No.03/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 15/01/2025
Notification No. 02/2025-Customs (N.T.) Dated:- 15.01.2025 Notification No. 02/2025-Customs (N.T.) 15/01/2025
Foreign Exchange Management (Mode of Payment and Reporting of Non-Debt Instruments) (Third ... Notification No. FEMA 395(3)/2025-RB 14/01/2025
Foreign Exchange Management (Deposit) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations, .. Notification No. FEMA 5(R)(5)/2025-RB 14/01/2025
Notification No. 07/2025 [F. No. 203/20/2024/ITA-II] / SO 244(E) Notification No. 07/2025 14/01/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 01/2025-Customs (N.T.) Dated: 14.01.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 01/2025-Customs (N.T.) 14/01/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 06/2025 – CENTRAL TAX dated:- 10.01.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 06/2025 – CENTRAL TAX 10/01/2025
NOTIFICATION NO. 05/2025–CENTRAL TAX dated:- 10.01.2025 NOTIFICATION NO. 05/2025–CENTRAL TAX 10/01/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 04/2025 – CENTRAL TAX dated:- 10.01.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 04/2025 – CENTRAL TAX 10/01/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 03/2025 – CENTRAL TAX dated:- 10.01.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 03/2025 – CENTRAL TAX 10/01/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 02/2025 – CENTRAL TAX dated:- 10.01.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 02/2025 – CENTRAL TAX 10/01/2025
NOTIFICATION No. 01/2025 – CENTRAL TAX dated:- 10.01.2025 NOTIFICATION No. 01/2025 – CENTRAL TAX 10/01/2025
Master Direction - Reserve Bank of India (Non-resident Investment in Debt Instruments) Directions, 2 RBI/2024-25/126 07/01/2025
Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Credit Information Reporting) Directions, 2025 RBI/DoR/2024-25/125 06/01/2025
Notification No. 6/2025 [F. No. 275/108/2024-IT(B)] / SO 99(E) Notification No. 6/2025 06/01/2025
Status of March 30, 2025 for Government transactions through integration with e-Kuber RBI/2024-25/103 03/01/2025
Notification No. 5 /2025 [F. No. 300196/37/2019-ITA-I] / SO 49(E) Notification No. 5 /2025 03/01/2025
Notification No. 4 /2025 [F. No. 196/1/2023-ITA-I] / SO 48(E) Notification No. 4 /2025 03/01/2025
Notification No. 3/2025 [F. No. 275/109/2024-IT(B)] / SO 21(E) Notification No. 3/2025 02/01/2025
Notification No. 2/2025 [F.No. 275/110/2024-IT(B)] / SO 20(E) Notification No. 2/2025 02/01/2025
Notification No. 1/2025 [F.No. 275/25/2023-IT(B)] / SO 19(E) Notification No. 1/2025 02/01/2025
Formation of new district in the State of Nagaland – Assignment of Lead Bank Responsibility RBI/2024-25/102 02/01/2025
Participation of NaBFID as an AIFI in financial markets RBI/2024-25/101 01/01/2025
Companies (Accounts) Second Amendment Rules, 2024 Notification 31/12/2024
Notification No. 88/2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 31/12/2024
Government Debt Relief Schemes (DRS) RBI/2024-25/100 31/12/2024
Introduction of beneficiary bank account name look-up facility for Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) RBI/2024-25/99 30/12/2024
Notification No. 131/2024 [F.No. 203/13/2024/ITA-II] / SO 5629(E) Notification No. 131/2024 30/12/2024
Reporting Platform for transactions undertaken to hedge price risk of gold RBI/2024-25/98 27/12/2024
Unified Payments Interface (UPI) access for Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) through third-party a RBI/2024-2025/97 27/12/2024
Invitation of application from eligible candidates for The Drafting Counsel / Associates on a tempor Notification 24/12/2024
Notification No. 87/2024-Customs (N.T.) 24/12/2024
Notification No. 128/2024 [F. No. 275/77/2024-IT(B)] / SO 5476(E) Notification No. 128/2024 18/12/2024
Notification No.86 /2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 16/12/2024
NOTIFICATION No. 31/2024–Central Tax Dated: 13.12.2024 NOTIFICATION No. 31/2024–Central Tax 13/12/2024
Notification No.85 /2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.) 13/12/2024
Notification No. 129 /2024 [F. No. 300196/22/2024-ITA-I] / SO 5551(E) Notification No. 129 /2024 12/12/2024