(1) No input tax credit shall be admissible to a person for tax paid on purchase of goods, if such goods are lost or destroyed or damaged beyond repair.
(2) Input tax credit availed on the goods, which are lost, destroyed or damaged beyond repair, shall be reversed immediately on occurrence of such event.
(2A) Input tax credit shall be allowed to a taxable person to the extent of tax payable on the resale value of goods or sale value of manufactured/processed goods where such goods by the taxable person are sold at a price,-
(i) Lower than purchase price of such goods in the case of resale; or
(ii) Lower than cost price in the case of manufactured/processed goods, and in such cases the balance input tax credit (ITC) shall be reversed by the taxable person:
Provided that the provisions of this sub-rule shall not apply in cases where the sale has been made at a price lower than the companies, that is to say, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited and HPCL MITTAL Energy LImited.
(3) No input tax credit shall be admissible to a person in respect of such purchases for which he accepts from the selling person, an invoice which –
(a) has not been duly obtained from a taxable person against the bonafide transaction;
(b) does not contain all the required information as specified in rule 54; and
(4) Where some goods as input or output are lying in the stock of a taxable person and where such goods become tax-free from a particular date, then from that date, no input tax credit shall be admissible to the taxable person on the sale of goods lying in the stock or on using the goods as input for making such tax-free goods.
(5) No input tax credit shall be admissible on goods purchased by a person during the period, he opted for Turn over Tax (TOT) under section 6 of the Act.