National Financial Reporting Authority
7th Floor. Hindustan Times House
Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi
Dated: 19th February 2025
1. All Ministries / Departments of the Government of India,
2. All State Governments / Union Territory Governments
Sub: Filling up of posts of Senior Private Secretary and Private Secretary in NFRA at New Delhi on
Madam/ Sir,
NFRA, New Delhi, is a statutory body set up under Section 132 of the Companies Act, 2013. NFRA has been established to protect the public interest and the interests of investors, creditors and others associated with the companies or bodies corporate by establishing high-quality standards of accounting and auditing and exercising effective oversight of accounting functions performed by the companies and bodies corporate and auditing functions performed by auditors.
2. The Authority proposes to fill up the posts as per detaIls stated in Annexure - 1 in its headquarters at
New Delhi from officers of Central Government or State governments or Union Territory governments initially for three years. (
3. It is requested to forward applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexure –II) along with attested
copies of ACRs/APARs for the last five years, Vigilance clearance and Cadre clearance of eligible candidates whose services could be placed at the disposal of the Authority immediately in the event of their selection.
4. The application should be sent through the proper channel in an envelope superscribing “Application
for the post of .................. in NFRA” and should be addressed to “The Secretary, National Financial
Reporting Authority (NFRA), 7th Floor Hindustan Times House, K.G. Marg, New Delhi – 110001 ” to reach this office on or before 2 months from the date of publication of the advertisement on this Vacancy Notice in Employment News. Advance copy along with stipulated documents may be sent to email id (Note- in case of any change in this notice the same will be displayed on the NFRA website as such interested officers are requested to see the NFRA website regularly)
(Simardeep Singh Ahuja)
Deputy General Manager
Encl. As above.
Copy to
1. Director (Admin), DoPT with a request to kindly arrange to put up this Vacancy Circular on the Vacancy NotIfIcatIons of Min./Deptt./Org . In the GOI section of the DOPT website.
2. Under Secretary (CS-1 (P)), DoPT with a request to kindly arrange to put up this Vacancy Circular on
the What’s New section of the DoPT website for wide publicity.
3. AM (IT), NFRA with a request to arrange for uploading this Vacancy Circular on the website of NFRA,
social media handles of NFRA and the website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Details of Posts to be filled up in NFRA
S.N. | Name of Posts | No. of vacancies | Basic Pay | Eligibility Criteria | Educational Qualification |
1. | Sr. PS | 03 | Level 8 (Rs. 47600- 105900). | For Deputation (including short-term contract)
An officer of Central Government or State Governments or Union territories:
(i) in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in Level 8 (47600- 151100) in the pay matrix or equivalent; or
(ii) with a minimum of four years of regular service, in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in Level 7 (Rs, 44900-142400) in the pay matrix
Age Limit for Deputation I Short-term Contract
The maximum age-limit for appointment by deputation or contract shall be not exceeding fifty-six years as of the closing date of receipt of applications | Essential:
Graduate degree from a recognised university or equivalent,
Working experience in regulatory Authority or Statutory Bodies or Other Government Institutions |
2. | Private Secretary | 01 | Level 7 (Rs. 44900- 99800) | For Deputation (including short-term contract);
An officer of Central Government or State Governments or Union territories: (i) in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in Level 7 (Rs. 44900-142400) in the pay matrix or equivalent; or (ii) with a minimum of four years of regular service, in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in Level 6 (Rs.35400- 112400) in the pay matrix Age Limit for Deputation/ Short-term Contract The maximum age-limit for appointment by deputation or contract shall be not exceeding fifty-six years as of the closing date of receipt of applications, | Essential:
Graduate degree from a recognised university or equivalent
Working experience in regulatory Authority or Statutory Bodies or Other Government Institutions |
1. NFRA reserves the right to fill all the posts and also the right not to fill up the posts at all. Further, the Authority reserves the right to decrease or increase the number of posts to be filled.
2. Mode of selection may include written test-cum-interview. NFRA reserves the right to modify the selection procedure if deemed fit.
3. NFRA reserves the right to cancel the Advertisement fully or partly on any ground.
4. The period of deputation/ short-term contract including the period of deputation/ short-term contract in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization or department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. It may be extended for another two years such that the maximum period of deputation/ short-term contract shall not exceed five years.
5. The decision of NFRA in all matters would be final and binding, and no correspondence in this regard would be entertained .
6. For any further details, please see the NFRA website: