The Certificate of Registration issued to the following Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) has been restored after considering the orders passed by the Appellate Authority/Courts. This NBFC is advised to adhere to the applicable provisions of the RBI Act, 1934, and guidelines/directions issued by the RBI including reporting requirements.
Sr. No | Name of the Company | Registered Office Address | CoR No. | CoR issued on |
1 | The Kamdhenu Finance Company Private Limited | 115, Shri Mahavir Cloth Market, Near Hirabhai Marg, Diwan Ballubhai Marg, Kankaria, Ahmedabad - 380022 | 01.00524 | December 11, 2013 |
(Puneet Pancholy) Chief General Manager Press Release: 2024-2025/2165 |