2nd & 3rd Floor, Mahanagar Doorsanehar Sadan (MTNL Building), 9, C.G.O. Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi -- 110003. Ph. 24306869. Website: https://nclat.nic.in
Dated : 12th February, 2025
Subject: Filling up of one post of Programmer in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal on deputation basis.
Applications are invited for filling up of one post of Programmer in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) at its Principal Bench, New Delhi on deputation basis. The details of the post, pay scale, qualifications & eligibility are as under: -
Name of Post | No. of posts | Pay Scale | Qualifications & Eligibility Criteria
Programmer | One (01) | Level - 9 (Rs. 53,100 - 1,67,800) | Officers working under Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories or Courts or Tribunals or statutory organisations possessing degree in Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science or Information Technology or Master of Computer Applications or equivalent degree from a recognized institute (i)holding analogous post on regular basis; or
(ii) a post in level-8 in the pay matrix of Seventh Central Pay Commission or equivalent with two years' regular service in the grade.
(iii) a post in level-7 in the pay matrix of Seventh Central Pay Cornmission or equivalent with three years' regular service in the grade.
Note 1: The departmental officers in the feeder grade who are in direct line of promotion shall not, be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion.
Note 2: The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this apointment shall ordinarily not exceed three years. Note 3: The maximum age limit for appointment, by deputation shall not be exceeding fifty-six years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. Note 4: For purposes of appointment on deputation basis, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 01st 'January, 2016 or the date from which the revised pay structure .based on the Seventh Central Pay Commission recommendations has been extended, shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding level in, the Pay matrix of the Seventh Central Pay Commission.
2. The initial period of deputation shall be for one year, which may be extended further subject to satisfactory performance.
3. (1) The conditions of service in matters of pay, allowances, leave and other conditions of service shall be regulated in accordance with such rules and regulations as are for the time being applicable to officers and employees of the corresponding scale of pay of the Central Government.
(2) In matters relating to Provident Fund Scheme, Group Insurance or any other Insurance Scheme, age of superannuation, pension and retirement benefits, the same shall continue to be governed by the relevant rules as applicable to them in their parent Ministry or department or organisation.
4. The candidates who apply for the above post(s) will not be allowed to withdraw their application(s) subsequently.
5. Documents required:
(i) Application as per Annexure-l.
(ii) Certificate by the Employer at the end of Annexure-I.
(iii) Vigilance Clearance Certificate, Integrity Certificate,Details of minor/major penalties imposed during the last ten years and Records of suspension etc, during the last ten years (This shall be furnished even if the suspension had been revoked with/without imposition of penalty).
(iv) Attested photocopies of the APARs/ACRs for the last five years.
6. The National Company Law Appellate Tribunal reserves the right not to fill up any or all the above posts.
7. The application in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I), complete in all respects with the superscription "Application for the post of Programmer in NCL.AT on deputation basis" may be sent, through proper channel along with all the necessary documents, to the "Registrar, National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, .rd floor, Mahanagar Doorsanchar Sadan Building), 9, C.C.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003". The last date of receipt of applications is two months from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. The applications incomplete in any respect and/or received without any of the necessary documents as mentioned in this vacancy circular are liable to be rejected.
8. The Vacancy Circular along with Annexure I can be downloaded from the website of the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal https://nclat.nic.in.
(Sunit Chandra)
Distribution (It is requested that the vacancy may please be circulated amongst the officers/officials working in your Ministry/Department/Office)
1. Secretary General, Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, New Delhi.
2. Registrar Generals of all Hon'ble High Courts in India.
3. Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, New Delhi.
4. All the Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India.
5. Chief Secretaries/Administrators of all the State Governments/Union Territories.
6. NCLAT website.
7. Notice Boards.
Post applied for | ________________ | Affix your recent passport size photograph here |
1 | Name in full (IN BLOCK LETTERS) |
| ||||
2 | Date of Birth
| ||||
3 4 | (i) Date of entry into service |
| ||||
(ii) Date of superannuation Service to which you belong |
| |||||
• | ||||||
5 | Office address with Telephone & Fax numbers |
| ||||
6 | Correspondence address along with i) Mobile No. (mandatory) ii) Email id (mandatory) . |
| ||||
7 | Permanent address |
| ||||
8 | Educational and Professional Qualifications (in ascending order starting from. High School onwards)
| ||||
Sl.No. |
| ||||
Examination passed | Board / University | Year of passing | Duration of Course | Percentage of marks |
| (self-attested photocopiesofcertificates enclosed) |
| |||||||
9 | Details of employment in chronological order | |||||||||||
Office | Post held on regular basis | From | To | Pay Band and Grade Pay / Scale of pay of the post held on regular basis' | Nature of duties | |||||||
| (self-attested photocopies of documents for the last ten years enclosed) |
| |||||||
10 | Nature of present employment i.e. Permanent / ad-hoc / temporary |
| ||||||||||
11 | In case the present employment is held on deputation, please state: a) The date of initial appointment b) Period of appointment with address c) Name of the parent d) Name of the post and pay of the post held in substantive capacity in the parent organization | . | ||||||||||
12 | If any post held on deputation in the past by the applicant, date of return from the last deputation and other details. |
| ||||||||||
13. . | Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC (attested copy of the relevant certificate to be attached). |
| ||||||||||
14 | Additional information, if any, relevant to the post you applied for in support of your suitability for the post. | • |
# Applicants not holding the post in the Level in Pay Matrix/Pay Band and Grade Pay pertaining to Central Government should indicate the equivalent of the Pay Scale vis-à-vis the Central Government pay scales.
It is certified that the information furnished above is correct and tru.e to the best of my knowledge. In the event of my selection, I shall abide by the terms and conditions of service attached to the post.
Signature of the applicant
Certificite to be furnished by the Employer /
Forwarding Authority:.
Certified that the above particulars furnished by Mr./Ms. are correct and he/she possesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in vacancy circular. It is also certified: -
1. Certified that the above particulars furnished by the applicant have been checked from available records and found correct.
2.Certified that the candidate is eligible for the post as per conditions mentioned in the circular.
3.Vigilance Clearance Certificate, Integrity Certificate, Details of Minor/Major Penalties imposed during the last ten years and Records of Suspension during the last ten years in respect of the applicant are enclosed.
4. Photocopies of APARs/ACRs of the officer for the last five years duly attested are enclosed.
5.That the cadre controlling authority has no objection to the consideration of the applicant for the post applied for and in the event of his/her selection for deputation in the NCLAT, he/she will be relieved of his/her duties.
Tel. No.
(Office Seal)