4. Grant of certificate of enrolment.-
(1) An application for a certificate of enrolment under sub-section (2) of Section 5 shall be made in Form-2. A person having more than one place of work in the State of Karnataka, whether within the jurisdiction of the assessing authority or outside such jurisdiction, shall be granted only one certificate of enrolment:
1[Provided that in respect of an industrial undertaking whose project is approved either by the state High Level clearance Committee or State Level Single Window clearance Committee or District Level Single Window Committee, a combined application form in Form 1-A may be submitted.]
1. Proviso inserted by Notification No.FD 5 CPT 2002, dated 22-06-2002, w.e.f. 22-6-2002.
(2) Where the person has more than one place of work within the State of Karnataka, he shall make a single application in respect of all such places, name in such application one of such place as the principal place of work for the purposes of these rules and submit such application to the assessing authority in whose jurisdiction the said principal place of work is situated.
(3) On receipt of an application in Form-2, the assessing authority may call upon the person to furnish such additional information or evidence as may be necessary for determining the amount of tax payable by him according to the Schedule to the Act.
(4) After considering the application and such additional information or evidence as may be furnished, the assessing authority shall grant a certificate of enrolment in Form-4.
(5) Where the person has more than one place of work in the State as many copies of the certificate shall be issued to him as there are places of work, in addition to the principal place of work.