40. Restrictions on investments in land and building and Unquoted shares
(1) No ICC, which is accepting public deposit, shall, invest in-
land or building, except for its own use, an amount exceeding ten per cent of its owned fund;
unquoted shares of another company, which is not a subsidiary company or a company in the same group of the non-banking financial company, an amount exceeding twenty per cent of its owned fund.
Provided that the land or building or unquoted shares acquired in satisfaction of its debts shall be disposed off by the non-banking financial company within a period of three years or within such period as extended by the Bank, from the date of such acquisition if the investment in these assets together with such assets already held by the non-banking financial company exceeds the above ceiling;
Explanation. - While calculating the ceiling on investment in unquoted shares, investments in such shares of all companies shall be aggregated.
Provided further that the ceiling on the investment in unquoted shares shall not be applicable to an investment and credit company in respect of investment in the equity capital of an insurance company upto the extent specifically permitted, in writing, by the Bank.