33. Safe Custody of Liquid Assets / Collection of Interest on SLR Securities
(1) every non-banking financial company shall -
(i) open a Constituent's Subsidiary General Ledger (CSGL) account with a scheduled commercial bank, or the Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd. (SHCIL) or a dematerialized account with a depository through a depository participant registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India and keep the unencumbered approved securities required to be maintained by it in pursuance of section 45-IB of the RBI Act and the Directions as specified in Chapter III of these directions in such CSGL account or dematerialised account;
(ii) designate one of the scheduled commercial banks, in the place where the registered office of the non-banking financial company is situated, as its designated banker and entrust, in physical form, to such bank or the SHCIL the unencumbered term deposits in any scheduled commercial bank maintained by it in pursuance of directions as specified in Chapter III of these directions and such unencumbered approved securities which have not been dematerialised;
and intimate the name and address of such scheduled commercial bank where it has opened its CSGL account or has held the securities in physical form, or the location of the SHCIL where it has opened its CSGL account or has held the securities in physical form or the depository (and the depository participant) where it has held its dematerialised account, in writing, to the Regional Office of the Bank under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is situated, as specified in First Schedule hereto:
Provided that where a non-banking financial company intends to entrust the securities specified in clause (ii) above with the designated banker or SHCIL, at a place other than the place at which its registered office is located, it may do so with the prior approval, in writing, of the Regional Office of the Bank under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is situated, as specified in First Schedule hereto:
Provided further that the government securities held in the said CSGL account or dematerialised account, shall not be traded, either by entering into ready forward contracts, including reverse ready forward contracts, or otherwise, except, by following the procedure and to the extent, as hereinafter specified.
(2) The securities mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) above shall continue to be kept as specified therein for the benefit of the depositors and shall not be withdrawn or encashed or otherwise dealt with by the non-banking financial company except for repayment to the depositors with the prior approval of Reserve Bank of India:
Provided that,
(i) a non-banking financial company may withdraw a portion of such securities in proportion to the reduction of its public deposits duly certified to that effect by its auditor;
(ii) where the non-banking financial company intends to substitute such securities kept in physical form, it may do so by entrusting securities of equal value to the designated bank or SHCIL before such withdrawal; and
(iii) the market value of these securities shall, at no point of time, be less than the percentage of public deposits as specified in the directions as specified in Chapter III of these directions.
(3) Where the non-banking financial company intends to trade, either by entering into ready forward contracts, including reverse ready forward contracts, or otherwise, in the government securities that are held in excess of the requirement under section 45-IB of the Act and directions as specified in Chapter III of these directions, the same shall be undertaken by opening a separate CSGL or dematerialised account for keeping such excess government securities.
(4) In order to protect the interest of depositors, an exclusive CSGL or demat account to hold Government securities shall be maintained for securities held for the purpose of compliance with section 45-IB of the Act. This account shall be operated only for purchase or sale of securities due to increase or decrease in the quantum of public deposits or withdrawal of securities for encashment on maturity or for repayment to depositors in special circumstances.
(5) It may be possible that there may be a few Government securities / Government guaranteed bonds that have not been dematerialized and are held in physical form which for the purpose of collection of interest are withdrawn from the safe custody with their designated bankers and re-deposited with the banks after collection of interest. To avoid the process of withdrawal and re-depositing the non-banking financial company shall authorize the designated banks as agents for collection of interest on due dates on these securities held in physical form and lodged for safe custody. Non-Banking Financial Company may approach its designated banker and exercise a Power of Attorney in favour of the designated bank to enable it to collect interest on the securities / guaranteed bonds held in physical form on the due date.