1[Charge of equalisation levy on e-commerce supply of services.
165A. (1) On and from the 1st day of April, 2020, there shall be charged an equalisation levy at the rate of two per cent of the amount of consideration received or receivable by an e-commerce operator from e-commerce supply or services made or provided or facilitated by it—
(i) to a person resident in India; or
(ii) to a non-resident in the specified circumstances as referred to in sub-section (3); or
(iii) to a person who buys such goods or services or both using internet protocol address located in India.
(2) The equalisation levy under sub-section (1) shall not be charged—
(i) where the e-commerce operator making or providing or facilitating e-commerce supply or services has a permanent establishment in India and such e-commerce supply or services is effectively connected with such permanent establishment;
(ii) where the equalisation levy is leviable under section 165; or
(iii) sales, turnover or gross receipts, as the case may be, of the e-commerce operator from the e-commerce supply or services made or provided or facilitated as referred to in sub-section (1) is less than two crore rupees during the previous year.
(3) For the purposes of this 2[section,—
(a) "specified circumstances" mean--]
(i) sale of advertisement, which targets a customer, who is resident in India or a customer who accesses the advertisement though internet protocol address located in India; and
(ii) sale of data, collected from a person who is resident in India or from a person who uses internet protocol address located in India.]
3[(b) consideration received or receivable from e-commerce supply or services shall include—
(i) consideration for sale of goods irrespective of whether the e-commerce operator owns the goods, so, however, that it shall not include consideration for sale of such goods which are owned by a person resident in India or by a permanent establishment in India of a person non-resident in India, if sale of such goods is effectively connected with such permanent establishment;
(ii) consideration for provision of services irrespective of whether service is provided or facilitated by the e-commerce operator, so, however, that it shall not include consideration for provision of services which are provided by a person resident in India or by permanent establishment in India of a person non-resident in India, if provision of such services is effectively connected with such permanent establishment.]
1. Inserted by the Finance Act, 2020, w.e.f. 1-4-2020.
2. Substituted for 'section, "specified circumstances" mean—' by the Finance Act, 2021, w.e.f. 1-4-2020.
3. Inserted by the Finance Act, 2021, w.r.e.f. 1-4-2020.