(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 29, a registered dealer who does not manufacture goods in West Bengal for sale, may apply in the prescribed manner, to the prescribed authority, for cancellation of his registration under this Act, if, during the year in which such application is made and during the year immediately preceding such year, he has dealt exclusively in tax-free goods specified in Schedule A.
(2) If the prescribed authority is satisfied that the application made under sub-section (1) is in order, he shall cancel the registration.
(3) A registered dealer whose registration has been cancelled under sub-section (2), shall continue to be liable to pay tax in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (9) of section 10 in the event of making any sale of goods taxable under this Act subsequent to such cancellation of registration, but during the period of such liability to pay tax, he shall, within thirty days, from the date of incurring such liability, apply for registration under section 24 and such application shall be disposed of*in accordance with the provisions of that section.