1[44DAA. Constitution of Dispute Resolution Committee.–– (1) The Central Government shall constitute a Dispute Resolution Committee for every region of Principal Chief Commissioner of Income-tax for dispute resolution, as provided under the Chapter XIX-AA of the Act.
- Each Dispute Resolution Committee shall consist of three members, as under:––
- two members shall be retired officers from the Indian Revenue Service (Income-tax), who have held the post of Commissioner of Income-tax or any equivalent or higher post for five years or more; and
- one serving officer not below the rank of Principal Commissioner of Income-tax or Commissioner of Income-tax as specified by the Board.
- The members shall be appointed by the Central Government for a period of three years.
- The Central Government may fix a sum to be paid as fee to a member, who is retired officer, on a per case basis, along with a sitting fee, so decided by the Board.
- The decision of the Dispute Resolution Committee shall be by majority.
- The Central Government may, by recording reasons in writing and after giving an opportunity of being heard, remove any member from the Dispute Resolution Committee. ]
1. Inserted by the Income-tax (Seventh Amendment) Rules, 2022 Notification No. 26/2022 dated 05.04.2022.