Where for the proper discharge of the functions of the Tribunal under this Part, the circumstances so require, the Tribunal may, through any operating agency, cause to be prepared -
(a) with respect to a company a complete inventory of -
(i) all assets and liabilities of whatever nature ;
(ii) all books of account, registers, maps, plans, records, documents of title or ownership of property and all other documents of whatever nature relating thereto ;
(b) a list of shareholders and a list of creditors showing separately in the list of creditors, the secured creditors and unsecured creditors;
(c) a valuation report in respect of the shares and assets in order to arrive at the reserve price for the sale of a part or whole of the industrial undertaking of the company or for fixation of the lease rent or share exchange ratio ;
(d) an estimate of reserve price, lease rent or share exchange ratio ;
(e) proforma accounts, where no up-to-date audited accounts are available.