Annexure to the Cost Audit Report
| Part-A |
| 1.General Information |
1 | Corporate identity number or foreign company registration number |
2 | Name of company |
3 | Address of registered office or of principal place of business in India of company |
4 | Address of corporate office of company |
5 | Email address of company |
6 | Date of beginning of reporting Financial Year |
7 | Date of end of reporting Financial Year |
8 | Date of beginning of previous financial year |
9 | Date of end of previous financial year |
10 | Level of rounding used in cost statements |
11 | Reporting currency of entity |
12 | Number of cost auditors for reporting period |
13 | Date of board of directors meeting in which annexure to cost audit report was approved |
14 | Whether cost auditor’s report has been qualified or has any reservations or contains adverse remarks |
15 | Consolidated qualifications, reservations or adverse remarks of all cost auditors |
16 | Consolidated observations or suggestions of all cost auditors |
17 | Whether company has related party transactions for sale or purchase of goods or services |
18 | Whether Indian Accounting Standards are applicable to the company |
| PART-A |
| 2. General Details of Cost Auditor |
1 | Whether cost auditor is lead auditor |
2 | Category of cost auditor |
3 | Firm's registration number |
4 | Name of cost auditor/cost auditor’s firm |
5 | PAN of cost auditor/cost auditor’s firm |
6 | Address of cost auditor or cost auditor’s firm |
7 | Email id of cost auditor or cost auditor’s firm |
8 | Membership number of member signing report |
9 | Name of member signing report |
10 | Name(s) of product(s) or service(s) with CETA Headings |
11 | SRN number of Form 23C / CRA-2 |
112(a) | Number of audit committee meeting(s) during the year for which cost auditor was invited |
12(b) | Number of audit committee meeting attended by cost auditor during year |
13 | Date of signing cost audit report and annexure by cost auditor |
14 | Place of signing cost audit report and annexure by cost auditor |
3. Cost Accounting Policy |
(1) Briefly describe the cost accounting policy adopted by the Company and its adequacy or otherwise to determine correctly the cost of production/operation, cost of sales, sales realization and margin of the product(s)/service(s) under reference separately for each product(s)/service(s). The policy shall cover, inter alia, the following areas: |
(a) Identification of cost centres/cost objects and cost drivers. |
(b) Accounting for material cost including packing materials, stores and spares, employee cost, utilities and other relevant cost components. |
(c) Accounting, allocation and absorption of overheads. |
(d) Accounting for depreciation/amortization. |
(e) Accounting for by-products/joint-products or services, scarps, wastage etc. |
(f) Basis for Inventory Valuation. |
(g) Methodology for valuation of Inter-Unit/Inter Company and Related Party transactions. |
(h) Treatment of abnormal and non-recurring costs including classification of other non-cost items. |
(i) Other relevant cost accounting policy adopted by the Company. |
(2) Briefly specify the changes, if any, made in the cost accounting policy for the product(s)/service(s) under audit during the current financial year as compared to the previous financial year. |
(3) Observations of the Cost Auditor regarding adequacy or otherwise of the Budgetary Control System, if any, followed by the company. |
| PART-A |
| 4. PRODUCT/SERVICE DETAILS (for the company as a whole) |
| | Name of Product(s) /Service(s) | UOM | CETA Heading | Covered under Cost Audit Yes / No | Previous Year fig. reported Yes / No | Net Operational Revenue (Net of taxes) |
| Current Year Rs. | Previous Year Rs. |
| Material 1 |
1 | Material 2 |
2 | Material 3 or more |
3 | Other Operating Incomes |
4 | Total operating incomes of company |
5 | Other Incomes of Company |
6 | Total revenue as per Financial Accounts |
27 | Exceptional and Extra Ordinary Income |
8 | Other comprehensive income, if any, |
9 | Total Revenue including Exceptional, Extra Ordinary and Other Comprehensive Income |
310 | Turnover as per Excise or Service Tax or GST Records |
Note: Explain the difference, if any, between Turnover as per Annual Accounts and Turnover as per Excise/ GST Records.
For Manufacturing Sector |
1. QUANTITATIVE INFORMATION (for each product with CTA heading separately) |
Name of Product |
CTA Heading |
Unit of Measurement |
Particulars | Current Year | Previous Year |
1. Available Capacity |
(a) Installed Capacity |
(b) Capacity enhanced during the year, if any |
(c) Capacity available through leasing arrangements, if any |
(d) Capacity available through loan license / third parties |
(e) Total available Capacity |
2. Actual Production |
(a) Self manufactured |
(b) Produced under leasing arrangements |
(c) Produced on loan license / by third parties on job work |
(d) Total Production |
43. Production as per excise or GST records (for product) |
4. Capacity Utilization (in-house) |
5. Finished Goods Purchased |
(a) Domestic Purchase of Finished Goods |
(b) Imports of Finished Goods |
(c) Total Finished Goods Purchased |
6. Stock & Other Adjustments |
(a) Change in Stock of Finished Goods |
(b) Self / Captive Consumption (incl. samples etc.) |
(c) Other Quantitative Adjustments, if any (wastage etc.) |
(d) Total Adjustments |
7. Total Available Quantity for Sale [2(d) + 5(c) + 6(d)] |
8. Actual Sales |
(a) Domestic Sales of Product |
(b) Domestic Sales of Traded Product |
(c) Export Sale of Product |
(d) Export Sale of Traded Product |
(e) Total Quantity Sold |
| 2. ABRIDGED COST STATEMENT(for each product with CTA heading separately) |
| Name of Product |
| CTA Heading |
| Unit of Measurement |
| Production | Finished Goods Purchased | Finished Stock Adjustment |
| Captive Consumption |
| Other Adjustments |
| Quantity Sold |
| Current Year |
| Previous Year |
| Current Year |
| Previous Year |
| | Particulars |
| Amount (Rs.) |
| Rate per Unit (Rs.) |
| Amount (Rs.) |
| Rate per Unit (Rs.) |
1 | Materials Consumed |
2 | Process Materials/Chemicals |
3 | Utilities (specify details as per 2B) |
4 | Direct Employees Cost |
5 | Direct Expenses |
6 | Consumable Stores & Spares |
7 | Repairs & Maintenance |
8 | Quality Control Expenses |
9 | Research & Development Expenses |
10 | Technical know-how Fee / Royalty |
11 | Depreciation/Amortization |
12 | Other Production Overheads |
13 | Industry Specific Operating Expenses |
14 | Total (1 to 13) |
15 | Increase or Decrease in Work-in-Progress |
16 | Less: Credits for Recoveries, if any |
17 | Primary Packing Cost |
18 | Cost of Production/Operations (14 + 15 to 17) |
19 | Cost of Finished Goods Purchased |
20 | Total Cost of Production & Purchases (18 + 19) |
21 | Increase or Decrease in Finish Good |
22 | Less: Self/Captive Consumption (incl. Samples, etc.) |
23 | Other Adjustments (if any) |
24 | Cost of Production/Operation of Product Sold (20 + 21 to 23) |
25 | Administrative Overheads |
26 | Secondary Packing Cost |
27 | Selling & Distribution Overheads |
28 | Cost of Sales before Interest (24 to 27) |
29 | Cost of Finance charges |
30 | Cost of Sales (28 + 29) |
31 | Net sale Realization of Product excluding taxes and duties |
32 | Margin [Profit/(Loss) as per Cost Accounts] (31 - 30) |
Notes: |
1. Separate Cost Statement shall be prepared for each CETA Heading representing the product. |
2. In case the same product has different unit of measure, separate cost statement shall be provided for different unit of measures. |
3. The items of cost shown In the Performa are Indicative and the same shall be reflected keeping in mind the materiality of the item of cost in the product. The Performa may be suitably modified to meet the requirement of the industry/product. |
4. In case the company follows a pre-determined or standard costing system, the above cost statement should reflect figures at actuals after adjustment of variances if any. |
| 2A. Details of Materials Consumed |
| Name of Product |
| CTA Heading |
| Unit of Measurement |
Description of Material | Category | UOM | Current Year |
| Previous Year |
| Quantity | Rate per Unit (Rs.) | Amount | Quantity | Rate per Unit (Rs.) | Amount |
Category: Indigenous/ Imported/ Self Manufactured
| 2B. Details of Utilities Consumed |
| Name of Product |
| CTA Heading |
| Unit of Measurement |
Description of Material | UOM | Current Year |
| Previous Year |
| Quantity | Rate per Unit (Rs.) | Amount | Quantity | Rate per Unit (Rs.) | Amount |
| 2C. Details of Industry Specific Operating Expenses |
Name of Product |
CTA Heading |
Unit of Measurement |
Description of Industry Specific Operating Expenses | Current Year Amount (Rs.) | Previous Year Amount (Rs.) |
For Service Sector |
1. QUANTITATIVE INFORMATION (for each service separately) |
| Name of Service |
| Service Code |
| Unit of Measurement |
Particulars | Current Year | Previous Year |
1. Available Capacity |
(a) Installed Capacity |
(b) Capacity enhanced during the year |
(c) Total available Capacity |
2. Actual Services Provided |
(a) Own Services |
(b) Services under contractual arrangements |
(c) Outsourced Services |
(d) Total Services |
3. Total services provided as per service tax or GST records (for services) |
4. In house capacity utilization (%) |
5. Other adjustments |
(a) Self or captive consumption |
(b) Other quantitative adjustments |
(c) Total other adjustments |
(d) Total available services for sale |
6. Actual Sales |
(a) Services rendered – Domestic |
(b) Services rendered – Export |
(c) Total Services Rendered |
| 2. ABRIDGED COST STATEMENT (for each service separately) |
| Name of Service |
| Service Code |
| Unit of Measurement |
| Services Provided | Captive Consumption | Other Adjustments |
| Services rendered |
| Current Year |
| Previous Year |
| Current Year |
| Previous Year |
Sno. | Particulars |
| Amount (Rs.) | Rate per Unit (Rs.) | Amount (Rs.) |
| Rate per Unit (Rs.) |
1 | Materials Consumed |
2 | Utilities |
3 | Direct Employees Cost |
4 | Direct Expenses |
5 | Consumable Stores & Spares |
6 | Repairs & Maintenance |
7 | Quality Control Expenses |
8 | Research & Development Expenses |
9 | Technical know-how Fee / Royalty |
10 | Depreciation/Amortization |
11 | Other Overheads |
12 | Industry Specific Operating Expenses |
13 | Total (1 to 12) |
14 | Less: Credits for Recoveries |
15 | Cost of Services provided (13 - 14) |
16 | Cost of Outsourced/Contractual Services |
17 | Total Services available |
18 | Less : Self or captive consumption |
19 | Other Adjustments (if any) |
20 | Cost of Services Sold (17 – 18 + 19) |
21 | Administrative Overheads |
22 | Selling & Distribution Overheads |
23 | Cost of Sales before Interest (20+21+22) |
24 | Cost of Finance charges |
25 | Cost of Sales (23 + 24) |
26 | Net sale Realization of Product excluding taxes and duties |
27 | Margin [Profit/(Loss) as per Cost Accounts] (26 - 25) |
1. Separate Cost Statement shall be prepared for each service |
2. The items of cost shown in the proforma are indicative and the same shall be reflected keeping in mind the materiality of the Item of cost in the service. |
3. The Proforma may be suitably modified to meet the requirement of the Industry/service. |
4. In case the Company follows a pre-determined or standard costing system, the above cost statement shall reflect figures at actuals after adjustment of variances, if any. |
| 2A. Details of Materials Consumed |
| Name of Service |
| Service Code |
| Unit of Measurement |
Description of Material | Category | UOM | Current Year |
| Previous Year |
| Quantity | Rate per Unit (Rs.) | Amount | Quantity | Rate per Unit (Rs.) | Amount |
Category: Indigenous/ Imported/ Self Manufactured
| 2B. Details of Utilities Consumed |
| Name of Service |
| Service Code |
| Unit of Measurement |
Description of Material | UOM | Current Year |
| Previous Year |
| Quantity | Rate per Unit (Rs.) | Amount | Quantity | Rate per Unit (Rs.) | Amount |
| 2C. Details of Industry Specific Operating Expenses |
| Name of Service |
| Service Code |
| Unit of Measurement |
| | Description of Industry Specific Operating Expenses | Current Year Amount (Rs.) | Previous Year Amount (Rs.) |
| PART-D |
| 1. PRODUCT AND SERVICE PROFITABILITY STATEMENT (for audited products/services) |
Sno. | Particulars | Current Year |
| Previous Year |
| Sales | Cost of Sales | Margin | Sales | Cost of Sales | Margin |
| (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) |
| Product 1 |
| Product 2 |
| Product 3 |
| ......etc. |
| Service 1 |
| Service 2 and Etc…. |
| Total |
| 2. PROFIT RECONCILIATION (for the company as a whole) |
Sno. | Particulars | Current Year | Previous Year |
| (Rs.) | (Rs.) |
1 | Profit or Loss as per Cost Accounting Records |
| (a) For the audited product(s)/service(s) |
| (b) For the un-audited product(s)/service(s) |
2 | Add: Incomes not considered in cost accounts (specify details) |
3 | Less: Expenses not considered in cost accounts (specify details) |
4 | Difference in Stock valuation as per cost and financial accounts |
5 | Other adjustments, if any |
6 | Profit or Loss as per Financial Accounts |
Note: Show abnormal wastages, expenses on strikes/lock-outs and any other items of expenses or incomes of abnormal nature etc. not considered in cost separatel
Sno. | Particulars | Current Year | Previous Year Rs. |
| (Rs.) | (Rs.) |
| Value Addition: |
51 | Revenue From Operations |
2 | Less : Taxes and other duties |
3 | Net revenue from operations |
4 | Add: Export Incentives |
5 | Add Less : Adjustment in stock of company |
6 | Less: Cost of bought out inputs |
| (a) Cost of Materials Consumed |
| (b) Process Materials / Chemicals |
| (c) Consumption of Stores & Spares |
| (d) Utilities (e.g. power & fuel) |
| (e) Others, if any |
| Total Cost of bought out inputs |
7 | Value Added |
8 | Add : Other income of company |
9 | Add : Exceptional and extra ordinary |
10 | Add : Other Comprehensive Income |
11 | Earnings available for distribution |
| Distribution of Earnings to: |
1 | Employees as salaries & wages, retirement benefits, etc. |
2 | Dividend to shareholders |
3 | Company as retained funds |
4 | Government as taxes (specify) |
5 | Extra Ordinary Expenses |
6 | Other distribution of Earnings |
7 | Total distribution of earnings |
| 4. FINANCIAL POSITION AND RATIO ANALYSIS (for the company as whole) |
| | Particulars | Units | Current Year | Previous Year Rs. |
A. | Financial Position |
1 | Share Capital | Rs/ |
2 | Reserves & Surplus | Rs/ |
3 | Long Term Borrowings | Rs/ |
4 | (a) Gross Assets | Rs/ |
| (b) Net Assets | Rs/ |
5 | (a) Current Assets | Rs/ |
| (b) Less: Current Liabilities | Rs/ |
| (c) Net Current Assets | Rs/ |
6 | Capital Employed | Rs/ |
7 | Net Worth | Rs/ |
B. | Financial Performance |
1 | Value Added | Rs/ |
2 | Net Revenue from Operations of Company | Rs/ |
3 | Profit before Tax (PBT) | Rs/ |
C. | Profitability Ratios |
1 | PBT to Capital Employed (B3/A6) | % |
2 | PBT to Net Worth (B3/A7) | % |
3 | PBT to Value Added (B3/B1) | % |
4 | PBT to Net revenue from Operations (B3/B2) | % |
D. | Other Financial Ratios |
1 | Debt-Equity Ratio |
2 | Current Assets to Current Liabilities |
3 | Valued Added to Net Revenue from Operations | % |
E. | Working Capital Ratios |
1 | Raw Materials Stock to Consumption | Months |
2 | Stores & Spares to Consumption | Months |
Notes. |
1. Capital Employed means average of net fixed assets (excluding effect of revaluation of Fixed assets) plus Non-current investments and net current assets existing at the beginning and close of the financial year. |
2. Net Worth is as defined under clause (57) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013. |
| 5. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (for the company as a whole) |
Party Name | Name of Product/Service | Product/Service Code | Quantity | Transfer Price | Amount | Normal Price | Basis adopted## | Description### | Transaction Nature## |
Notes: |
1. Details shall be furnished for each Related Party and Product /Service separately. |
2. Details of Related Party transactions without Indicating the Normal Price and the basis thereof shall be considered as incomplete Information |
| 6.Reconciliation of Indirect Taxes (for the Company as a whole) |
| Particulars | Assessable Value | Excise Duty | Service Tax | Cess & Others | VAT |
| (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) |
| Duties/Taxes Payable |
| Excise Duty |
1 | Domestic |
2 | Export |
3 | Stock Transfers (Net) |
4 | Duty Free Clearance, Others etc. |
5 | Total Excise Duty (1 to 4) |
6 | Service Tax |
7 | VAT, CST etc. |
8 | Other State Taxes, if any |
9 | Total Duties / Taxes Payable (5 to 8) |
| Duties/Taxes Paid |
10 | Cenvat/VAT Credit Utilised - Inputs |
11 | Cenvat/VAT Credit Utilised - Capital Goods |
12 | Cenvat/VAT Credit Utilised - Input Services |
13 | Cenvat/VAT Credit Utilised - Others |
14 | Total (10 to 13) |
15 | Paid through PLA/Cash |
16 | Total Duties/Taxes Paid (14 + 15) |
17 | Duties/Taxes Recovered |
18 | Difference between Duties/Taxes Paid and Recovered |
19 | Interest/Penalty/Fines Paid |
| PART-B |
| 66. (B) Reconciliation of Indirect Taxes (for the company as a whole) (applicable w.e.f. 01.07.2017) |
| Particulars | Taxable Value/ Assessable Value | Excise Duty/ VAT, CST, Cess etc./ Other State Taxes, if any | Goods & Services Tax |
| CGST | SGST/UTST | IGST | Cess |
| (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) | (Rs.) |
S.No. | Duties/Taxes Payable |
| Excise Duty |
1 | Domestic |
2 | Export |
3 | Stock Transfers |
4 | Others if any |
5 | Total Excise Duty (1 to 4) |
6 | VAT, CST, Cess etc. |
7 | Other State Taxes, if any |
8 | Outward Taxable Supplies (other than zero rated, Nil Rated and Exempted) |
9 | Outward Taxable Supplies (zero rated) |
10 | Inward Supplies (liable to Reverse Charge) |
11 | Other Outward Supplies (Nil Rated, Exempted) |
12 | Non-GST Outward Supplies |
13 | Total (8 to 12) |
14 | Total Duties / Taxes Payable (5 + 6 + 7 + 13) |
| Duties/ Taxes paid [by Utilisation of Input Tax Credit and Payment through Cash Ledger, as the case may be] |
| Input Tax Credit Utilised |
16 | SGST / UTGST/ VAT |
17 | IGST |
18 | Cess |
19 | Transitional Credit |
20 | Others, if any, specify |
21 | Total Input Tax Credit Utilised (15 to 20) |
22 | Payment through Cash Ledger |
23 | Total Duties/Taxes Paid (21 + 22) |
| Difference between Taxes Paid and Payable (14 - 23) |
24 | Interest/Penalty/Fines Paid |
1.Subsituted by Notification Dated july, 2018.
2.Subsituted by Notification Dated july, 2018.
3.Subsituted by Notification Dated july, 2018
4.Subsituted by Notification Dated july, 2018
5.Subsituted by Notification Dated july, 2018
6.Inserted by Notification Dated july, 2018