14. Payment of tax by enrolled persons |
(1) A person enrolled under sub-section (2) of Section 6 and liable to pay the tax shall make payment of tax within the period prescribed in Section 10 by paying the requisite amount into the Treasury by Challan in Quadruplicate. The copies marked original and duplicate shall be returned to the person duly receipted of which the copy marked duplicate shall be submitted by him to the assessing authority as proof of payment of tax. |
(2) Where payment of tax, interest and penalty (if any) if required to be made to a Collecting Agent appointed under Section 14 such payment shall be made within such time as may be notified by means of a paying-in-slip duly filled in Form VI in duplicate. |
(3) The Collecting Agent shall credit to the treasury by challan in Quadruplicate on or before the 10th of each month the amount of tax, interest and penalty collected by him during the preceding month under sub-rule (2) and forward the receipted copy of the challan marked duplicate to such authority as may be specified by the Commissioner along with a statement of collection in Form VII signed and verified by him. |