18. Other conditions of service
(1) The terms and conditions of service of a chairperson or a full time member with respect to which no express provision has been made in these rules, shall be such as are admissible to a Central Government officer holding a
Group `A’ post carrying the same pay.
(2) The chairperson or a full time member shall not practise before the Authority after retirement or resignation or removal from the service of the Authority.
(3) The chairperson or a full time member shall not undertake any arbitration work while functioning in the Authority.
(4) The chairperson or a full time member shall not, for a period of two years from the date on which he ceases to hold office, accept any employment in, or connected with the management or administration of, any person who
has been a party to a proceeding before the Authority:
Provided that nothing contained in this rule shall apply to any employment under the Central Government or a State Government or a local authority or in any statutory authority or any corporation established by or under any
Central, State or Provincial Act or a Government company as defined in clause (45) of section 2 of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013).