7. Refunds to claimants from Fund
(1) Any person, whose shares, unclaimed dividend, matured deposits, matured debentures, application money due for refund, or interest thereon, sale proceeds of fractional shares, redemption proceeds of preference shares, etc. has been transferred to the Fund, may claim the shares under provision to sub-section (6) of section 124 or apply for refund, under clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 125 or under proviso to sub-section (3) of section 125, as the case may be, to the Authority by making an application in Form IEPF 5 online available on website www.iepf.gov.in along with fee, as decided by the Authority from time to time in consultation with the Central Government, under his own signature.
(2) The claimant shall after making an application online in Form IEPF-5 under rule (1), send the same duly signed by him along with, requisite documents as enumerated in Form IEPF-5 to the concerned company at its registered office for verification of his claim.
(3) The company shall, within fifteen days of receipt of claim form, send a verification report to the Authority in the format specified by the Authority along with all documents submitted by the claimant.
(4) After verification of the entitlement of the claimant-
(a) to the amount claimed, the Authority and then Drawing and Disbursement Officer of the Authority shall present a bill to the Pay and Accounts Office for e- payment as per the guidelines
(b) to the shares claimed, the Authority shall issue a refund sanction order with the approval of the Competent Authority and shall either credit the shares which are lying with depository participant in IEPF suspense account (name of the company) to the demat account of the claimant to the extent of the claimant’s entitlement or in case of the physical certificates, if any, cancel the duplicate certificate and transfer the shares in favour of the claimant.
(5) The Authority shall, in its records, cause a note to be made of all the payments made under subrule (4).
(6) An application received for refund of any claim under this rule duly verified by the concerned company shall be disposed of by the Authority within sixty days from the date of receipt of the verification report from the company, complete in all respects and any delay beyond sixty days shall be recorded in writing specifying the reasons for the delay and the same shall be communicated to the claimant in writing or by electronic means.
(7) In cases, where the application is incomplete, a communication shall be sent to the claimant by the Authority detailing deficiencies of the application.
(8) In case, claimant is a legal heir or successor or administrator or nominee of the registered security holder, he has to ensure that the transmission process is completed by the company before filing any claim with the Authority.
(9) The claimant shall file only one consolidated claim in respect of a company in a financial year.
(10) The company shall be solely liable under all circumstances whatsoever to indemnity the IEPF Authority in case of any dispute or lawsuit that may be initiated due to any incongruity or inconsistency or disparity in the verification report or otherwise. The IEPF Authority shall not be liable to indemnity the security holder or Company for any liability arising out of any discrepancy in verification report submitted etc leading to any litigation or complaint arising thereof.