FORM NO. CAA.3 [Pursuant to section 230(5) and rule 8] In the Matter of compromise and / or arrangement of ………………… NOTICE TO CENTRAL GOVERNMENT, REGULATORY AUTHORITIES
To, The Central Government/ The Registrar of Companies/ The Income-Tax Authorities/ [in all cases] The Reserve Bank of India/ The Securities and Exchange Board of India/ The Stock Exchanges of ……………/ The Competition Commission of India/ [as may be applicable] Other sectoral regulator or authorities [As required by Tribunal]
Notice is hereby given in pursuance of sub-section (5) of section 230 of the Companies Act, 2013, that as directed by the _____ Bench of the National Company Law Tribunal at ……… by an order dated ………. under sub-section (1) of section 230 of the Act, a meeting of the members and / or creditors of (Company’s name)……. shall be held on ……………. to consider the scheme of compromise and / or arrangement of ………………with …………… at ………,.
A copy of the notice and scheme of the compromise or arrangement are enclosed. You are hereby informed that representations, if any, in connection with the proposed compromise and / or arrangement may be made to the Tribunal within thirty days from the date of receipt of this notice. Copy of the representation may simultaneously be sent to the concerned company(ies). In case no representation is received within the stated period of thirty days, it shall be presumed that you have no representation to make on the proposed scheme of compromise or arrangement.
Authorized Signatory Dated this ……… day of …………….20… Place
Enclosures : i) Copy of notice with statement as required under section 230(3); ii) Copy of scheme of compromise or arrangement |