22. [ Deemed Assessment and ] procedure to be followed by the assessing authority
(1)The assessment in respect of the dealer shall be on the basis of return relating to his turnover submitted in the prescribed manner within the prescribed period.
(2) The assessing authority shall accept the returns submitted for the year, by the dealer, if the returns are in the prescribed form and accompanied with the prescribed documents and proof of payment of tax. Every such dealer shall be deemed to have been assessed for the year on the 31st day of October of the succeeding year –
Provided that in respect of such returns submitted for the years 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008- 2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, on which assessment order are not passed shall be deemed to have been assessed on the 30th day of June 2012.
Prior to the Amendment made by the Fifth Amendment Act 23 of 2012, notified by GO.No.82. as effective from 19th June2012, this sub-section was as under :-
(2) The assessing authority shall accept the returns submitted for the year, by the dealer, if the returns are accompanied by the proof of payment of tax and the documents prescribed, and on such acceptance, the assessing authority shall pass an assessment order.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2), not exceeding twenty per cent of the total number of such assessments shall be selected by the Commissioner in such manner as may be prescribed for the purpose of detailed scrutiny regarding the correctness of the returns submitted by the dealer and in such cases, revision of assessment shall be made, wherever necessary.
(3-A) Notwithstanding anything conatined in sub-section 2, the casual trader and the dealer in respect of whom the relevant assessment year is the first or the last year of business, shall be assessed on the basis of the scrunity of the returns with reference to the books of accounts, registered, records and any other documents and on such enquiry as the assessing authority may consider necessary .
(4) If no return is submitted by the dealer for any period of the year or if the return filed is in complete or incorrect, or if not accompanied with any of the documents prescribed or proof of payments of tax, the assessing authority shall, after making such enquiries as it may consider necessary, assess the dealer to the best of its judgment, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, after the completion of that year: Provided that before taking action under this sub-section, the dealer shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(5) In addition to the tax assessed under sub-section(4), the assessing authority shall, in the order of assessment passed under sub-section (4) or by a separate order, direct the dealer to pay by way of penalty, a sum which shall be, one hundred and fifty percent of the difference of the tax assessed and the tax already paid as per the returns:
Provided that no penalty under this sub-section shall be imposed after the period of six years from the date of assessment order * unless the dealer affected has had a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against such imposition.
Explanation.—For the purpose of levy of penalty under this sub-section, the tax assessed on the following kinds of turnover shall be deducted from the tax assessed under sub-section (4):--
(i) Any turnover representing additions to the turnover as per the returns made by the assessing authority without reference to any specific concealment of turnover;
(ii) Any turnover estimated by the assessing authority with reference to any specific concealment of turnover as per the returns;
(iii) Any turnover on which tax is paid at the concessional rate subject to the condition of furnishing any declaration but where such declaration could not be furnished at the time of assessment.
Prior to the amendments made from 19th June 2012 by the aforesaid Fifth Amendment Act 23 of 2012, these two subsections (4) and (5) were as under, the Explanation below the latter being newly added:--
(4) If no return is submitted by the dealer for that year, the assessing authority shall, after making such enquiry as it may consider necessary, assess the dealer in the best of its judgment, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed.
Provided that before taking action under this sub-section, the dealer shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(5) In addition to the tax assessed under sub-section (4), the assessing authority shall in the same order of assessment passed under sub-section (4) or by a separate order, direct the dealer to pay by way of penalty, a sum which shall be, in the case of failure to submit return, one hundred and fifty percent of the tax assessed:
Provided that no penalty under this sub-section shall be imposed after the period of five years from the date of assessment order under this Section [xxx]** unless the dealer affected has had a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against such imposition.
(6) (a) Any dealer assessed under sub-section (4) may, within a period of thirty days from the date of service of the assessment order, apply to the assessing authority for re-assessment, along with the correct and complete return as prescribed. On such application, the assessing authority shall, if it is satisfied that the failure to submit the return in time was due to reasons beyond the control of the applicant, cancel the assessment made and make a fresh assessment on the basis of the return submitted: Provided that no application shall be entertained under this sub-section unless it is accompanied by satisfactory proof of the payment of tax admitted by the applicant to be due or any such instalment thereof as might have become payable, as the case may be
(b) If the amount of tax on the basis of the cancelled assessment has already been collected and if the amount of tax arrived at as a result of the fresh assessment is different from it, any amount over paid by the dealer shall be refunded to him without interest, or the further amount of tax, if any, due from him shall be collected in accordance with the provisions of this Act, as the case may be.
(c) Penalty, if any, imposed and collected under sub-section (5), shall be refunded to the dealer without interest on cancellation of the order of original assessment.