16. Stage of levy of taxes in respect of imported and exported goods
(1) In the case of goods imported into the State either from outside the territory of India or from any other State, the stage of levy of tax shall be deemed to commence at the stage of the sale or purchase effected immediately after the import of such goods; (2) In the case of goods exported out of the State to any place outside the territory of India or to any other State, the stage of levy of tax shall be deemed to conclude at the stage of sale or purchase effected immediately before the export of such goods: Provided that in the case of goods exported out of the State to any place outside the territory. of India, where the sale or purchase effected immediately before the export of such goods is undersubsection (3) of section 5 of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, a sale or purchase in the course of export, the series of sales or purchases of such goods shall be deemed to conclude at the stage of the sale or purchase immediately preceding such sale or purchase in the course of export.