Schedule-V (see section 17) List of Organisations which can claim Refund (1) AFGHANISTAN. H.E. Ambassador of Republic of Afghanistan. The Embassy of Republic of Afghanistan. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Afghanistan. (2) AFRO-ASIAN RURAL RECONSTRUCTION ORGANISATION. (3) ALGERIA. The Embassy of Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria. (4) ANGOLA. The Embassy of Angola in on the purchase made by the diplomats for Official and personal use. (5) APOSTOLIC NUNCIATURE. (6) ARGENTINA. Embassy of Argentine Republic on the purchases made by its diplomats for official as well as personal use. (7) ARMENIA. Embassy of Armenia on the purchases made by the mission for official use. (8) ASIAN AFRICAN LEGAL CONSULTIVE COMMITTEE. For its official use. (9) ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK. (10) AUSTRALIA. The High Commission and its Diplomatic Officers in respect of purchases made from bounded stores only for their official and personal use. (11) AUSTRIA. The Embassy of Austria in India (for sales intended for their official use). The Diplomatic Officers of the Embassy of Austria in India (for sales intended for their personal use). (12) BANGLADESH. The High Commission for the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the High Commission for the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh in India. (13) BELARUS. The Embassy of Belarus in India. Purchases made for its diplomatic and administrative/technical personnel for official as well as personal use. (14) BELGIUM. H.E. the Ambassador of Belgium in India. The Embassy of Belgium in India. The Diplomatic Officers of the Belgium Embassy in India. (15) BHUTAN. The Royal Bhutan Mission for sales intended for official use of Mission. The Representative of Bhutan for sales intended for personal use. The Diplomatic Officers of the Royal Bhutan Mission for sales intended for personal use. (16) BRAZIL. The Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Federative Republic of Brazil in India. (17) BRITAIN. The High Commission for Britain in India (all sales for official use). The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the High Commission for Britain in India (sales of imported goods from bonded stocks only). (18) BRUNEI DARUSSALAM. Embassy of Brunei Darussalam on the purchases made by its Diplomats for Official as well as personal use. (19) BULGARIA. H.E. the Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria in India. The Embassy of the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of Bulgaria in India. (20) CANADA. H.E. the High Commissioner for Canadian in India. The Diplomatic Officers of the Canada High Commission. The Canadian High Commission. (21) CENTRAL AFRICA. The Embassy of the Central African Empire .(for sales intended for official use). The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Central African Empire (for sales intended for their personal use). (22) CHINA. H.E. the Chinese Ambassador in India. The Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China. The Diplomatic officers of the Chinese Embassy in India. (23) COLUMBIA. The Embassy of Columbia in India. (24) COMBODIA. H.E. the ambassador of Combodia in India. The Embassy of Combodia in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Combodia in India. (25) (A) Officials of the COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES for setting up their office. (B) Personnel of the delegation holding diplomatic status (other than Indian nationals and persons permanently resident in India Employed by the said Commission). (26) COMMON EDUCATIONAL MEDIA CENTRE FOR ASIA. Common Educational Media Centre on the purchase made for official use and by its President and Vice-President for personal use. (27) CONGO. The Congolese Embassy and their Diplomatic Officers. (28) CROATIA. Embassy of Croatia on the purchases made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use of their officials. (29) CUBA. The Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Republic of Cuba in India. (30) CYPRUS. The Cyprus High Commission (for sales intended for official use). The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses of the Cyprus High Commission (for sales intended for their personal use). (31) CZECH REPUBLIC. Embassy of Czech Republic on the purchases made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use of their officials. (32) DENMARK. The Royal Danish Embassy in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Royal Danish Embassy in India. (33) DOMINICA. The High Commission for the Commonwealth of Dominica (for its official purchases). The Diplomatic Officials of the High Commission for the Commonwealth of Dominica (for their personal use). (34) EGYPT. The Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in India. The Diplomatic officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in India. (35) ETHOPIA. The Ethopian Embassy in India (for its official purchases). The Diplomatic Officers of the Ethopian Embassy in India (for their personal purchases). (36) FINLAND. Embassy of Finland on the purchase of following items made by its diplomats for official purpose. (1). Construction materials as well commodities to be used for the interior decoration and furnishing of building. (2). Commodities used in representational functions. (3). Motor vehicles as well as spare parts and equipment for Motor vehicles. (4). Work performances concerning the premises of a mission or office and the commodities referred to in items (1) to (3) or the rental of those commodities. (5). Telecommunication services, energy commodities and fuel purchased for the building of a mission or office. (6). Fuels for motor vehicles. (37) FRANCE. The Embassy of France on the purchases made by its diplomats for Official purposes and for the residence of the Ambassador. (38) GERMANY. The Embassy of Germany in India (for sales intended for official use only). The Diplomatic Officers of the German Embassy in India (for sales intended for personal use). (39) GHANA. The High Commissioner for Ghana in India. The Diplomatic officers (including their spouses) of the High Commissioner for Ghana in India. (40) GREECE. The Royal Greek Embassy in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Royal Greek Embassy in India. (41) GUYANA. The High Commission for Guyana, and its Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses). (42) HUNGARY. H.E. The Ambassador of the Hungarian Peoples Republic in India. The Embassy of the Hungarian peoples Republic in India. The Diplomatic officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Hungarian Peoples Republic in India. (43) INDONESIA. The Embassy of Indonesia on all its official purchases and the purchases made by its officials for their personal use. (44) INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA and Employees, other than those recruited locally of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in India. (45) INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR GENETIC ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, (for all its official purchases). (46) (A) Office of the INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE (for sales intended for official use). (B) Dr. Nagendra Singh an elected judge of the International Court of Justice, (for sales intended for his personal use). (47) INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. (48) IRAN. The Embassy of Iran in India. The Diplomatic officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Iran in India. (49) IRAQ. H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq in India. The Embassy of Republic of Iraq in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Iraq in India. (50) IRELAND. The Embassy of Ireland in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Ireland in India. (51) ISRAEL. The Embassy of Israel on purchases made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use. (52) ITALY. Embassy of Italy on the purchase made by its diplomats for official use as well as for personal use of their officials. (53) JAPAN. The Embassy of Japan and its Diplomatic Officers. (54) JORDAN. The Embassy of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordon in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordon in India). (55) KAZAKHSTAN. The Embassy of Kazakhstan on the purchases made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use. (56) KENYA. For official use as well as Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Kenya High Commission in India. (57) KOREA. H.E. the Ambassador of Korea. Embassy of the Republic of Korea. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy Republic of Korea. (58) KOREA (D.P.R.) H.E. The Ambassador of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. Embassy of the Democratic People Republic of Korea. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. (59) KUWAIT. H.E. the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait in India. The Embassy of the state of Kuwait in India. The Diplomatic officers of the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in India. (60) KYRGHYSTAN. The Embassy of Kyrghystan on the purchases made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use. (61) LAOS. The Royal Embassy of Laos in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of Royal Embassy of Laos in India. (62) LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES MISSION. League of Arab States Mission. Chief Representative, Deputy Chief representative, their spouses and minor children of the league of Arab States Mission. (63) LEBANON. H.E. the Ambassador of Lebanon in India. The Embassy of Lebanon in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Lebanon. (64) LIBERIA. Embassy of Liberia on all its official purchases as well as purchases made by its officials for their personal use. (65) LIBYA. The Embassy of the Libyan Arab Republic in India (for sales intended for official use.) The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Libyan Arab Republic in India (for sales intended for their personal use). (66) LUXEMBOURG. Embassy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in respect of goods purchased by them for official use only. (67) MALAYSIA. The High Commissioner for Malaysia in India. The Diplomatic Officer (including their spouses) of the High Commissioner for Malaysia in India. (68) MAURITIUS. The High Commission of Mauritius and its Diplomatic Officers. (69) MEXICO. The Embassy of Mexico in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Mexico in India. (70) MONGOLIA. H.E. the Ambassador of the Mongolian Peoples Republic in India. The Embassy of the Mongolian Peoples Republic in India. The Diplomatic Officers of the Embassy of the Mongolian Peoples Republic in India. (71) MOROCCO. Embassy of Morocco on the purchases made by its diplomats for official as well as personal use. (72) MOZAMBIQUE. High Commission of the Republic of Mozambique in respect of goods purchased by them for official use only. (73) MYANMAR. The Embassy of the Republic of the Myanmar in India. (Restricted to sale of goods from bonded stocks) The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Union of Myanmar in India.(sale of petrol only) (74) NAMIBIA. Namibian High Commission on the purchase made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use. (75) NEPAL. The Royal Nepalese Embassy in India, and The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Royal Nepalese Embassy in India. (76) NETHERLANDS. The Royal Netherlands Embassy in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Royal Netherlands Embassy in India. (77) NICARAGUA. The Embassy of Nicaragua on all its official purchases as well as the purchases made by its officials for their personal use. (78) NIGERIA. H.E. the High Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in India. The High Commission for the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Diplomatic Officers of the High Commission for the Federal Republic of Nigeria in India. (79) NORWAY. H.E. the Norwegian Ambassador in India. The Royal Norwegian Embassy in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in India. (80) OMAN. The Embassy of Sultanate of Oman and its Diplomatic Officers. (81) PAKISTAN. The Embassy of Pakistan in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Pakistan in India. (82) PANAMA. The Embassy of Panama and its Diplomatic Officers in respect of purchases made from bonded stores only. (83) PHILIPPINES. H.E. the Ambassador of the Philippines in India. The Embassy of Philippines in India, and The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Philippines in India. (84) PLO. The Embassy of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (for sales intended for official use). The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (for sales intended for personal use). (85) POLAND. The Embassy of the Polish Peoples Republic and their Diplomatic Officers. (86) PORTUGAL. The Embassy of Portugal in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Portugal in India (for sales intended for their personal use). (87) QATAR. The Embassy of the State of Qatar. The Diplomatic Officers of the Embassy of the State of Qatar, and their spouses for sales intended for their personal use. (88) ROMANIA. H.E. the Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Romania in India. The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Romania in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Romania. (89) RUSSIA. The Embassy of the Russian Federation on the purchases made by the Diplomats for official and personal use. (90) RWANDA. Embassy of Republic of Rwanda on the purchases made by its diplomatic and administrative/ technical personnel for official as well as personal use. (91) SAHRAWI ARAB DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC. The Embassy of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. The Diplomatic Officers of the Embassy of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. (92) SAUDI ARABIA. H.E. the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in India. The Embassy of Saudi Arabia in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in India. (93) SENEGAL. The Embassy of Republic of the Senegal in India (for sales intended for the official use of the Embassy). The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) the Embassy of the Republic of Senegal in India (for sales intended for personal use). (94) SINGAPORE. The High Commission for Singapore. Their Diplomatic Officers. (95) SLOVAK REPUBLIC. Embassy of Slovak Republic on the purchase made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use of their officials. (96) SOMALIA. The Embassy of Somalai in India (for sales intended for official use). The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Somali in India (for sales intended for their personal use. (97) SOUTH AFRICA. Embassy of South Africa on the purchase made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use. (98) SOUTH WEST AFRICAN PEOPLES ORGANISATION (SWAPO). Embassy of South West African Peoples Organisation (SWAPO) – on all its official purchases and the purchases made by its officials for their personal use. (99) SPAIN. H.E. the Ambassador of Spain in India. The Embassy of Spain in India. The Diplomatic Officers of the Embassy of Spain in India. (100) SRI LANKA. The High Commission for the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for purchase made for its official use as well by diplomats. (101) SUDAN. The Embassy of Democratic Republic of Sudan in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Sudan in India. (Exemption extended to purchases from places other than bonded stocks). (102) SURINAME. The Embassy of Republic of Suriname on the purchases made for official use as well as personal use of the diplomats. (103) SWEDEN. The Royal Swedish Embassy in India (for its official purchases). The Diplomatic Officers of the Royal Swedish Embassy in India (for their personal use). (104) SWITZERLAND. Embassy of Switzerland on the purchase made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use of their officials. (105) SYRIA. The Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic & their Diplomatic Officers. (106) THAILAND. The Royal Thai Embassy in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Royal Thai Embassy in India. (107) TRINIDAD. The High Commission for Trinidad and Tobago in India. The members of the Diplomatic Staff of the said High Commission. (Exemption restricted to (i) sale intended for the official use of the Commission and (ii) sale intended for personal use). (108) TUNISIA. The Embassy of Tunisia on the purchases made by its Diplomats for official as well as personal use. (109) TURKEY. Embassy of Turkey on the purchase made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use. (110) UAE. The Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, for its official use. The Diplomatic Officers of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates, and their spouses for sales intended for their personal use. (111) UGANDA. The High Commission for the Republic of Uganda in India. The Diplomatic officers (including their spouses) of the High Commission for the Republic of Uganda in India. (112) UKRAINE. Embassy of Ukraine in on the purchase made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use. (113) UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME. (114) The Regional Office for India, Nepal Ceylon, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan of THE UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR ASIA and Far East (Division of Social Affairs). (115) UNITED NATIONS EDUCATION SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION. (116) UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION RESEARCH CENTRE ON SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHERN ASIA. (117) UNITED NATIONS FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANISATION. (118) UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSION FOR REFUGEES. (Exemption for official use only). (119) UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION CENTRE. (120) UNITED NATIONS INTERNALTIONAL CHILDREN’S EMERGENCY FUND. (121) UNITED NATIONS MILITARY OBSERVERS GROUP IN INDIA AND PAKISTAN. (122) UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR POPULATION STUDIES. (123) (A) The Regional Office of the UNITED NATIONS WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION for South East Asia, (for sales intended for official use). (B) The Regional Director (including his spouses) of the United Nations World Health Organisation for South East Asia, (for sales intended for personal use). (124) UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT MISSION. United States Agency for International Development Mission and Employees other than the locally recruited staff of the United States Agency for International Development Mission. (125) URUGUAY. H.E. the Ambassador of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in India. The Embassy of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay in India. (126) USA. The Embassy of the U.S.A. in India. H.E. the Ambassador of the U.S.A. in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses and dependents) of the Embassy of U.S.A. in India. (127) RUSSIAN FEDERATION. H.E. The Ambassador of the Russian Federation in India. The Embassy of the Russian Federation in India. The Diplomatic Officers of the Embassy of Russian Federation in India. (128) UZBEKISTAN. The Embassy of Republic of Uzbekistan in on the purchase made by its diplomats for official as well as for personal use0 . (129) VIETNAM (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC). H.E. the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in India. The Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam in India. (130) VIETNAM (REPUBLIC). The Counsel General of the Republic of Vietnam in India. The Consulate General of the Republic of Vietnam in India. The Consular Officer of the Consulate General of the Republic of Vietnam in India. (131) VENEZUELA. The Embassy of Venezuela in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Venezuela in India. (132) YEMEN. The Embassy of the peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen in India. (133) YUGOSLAVIA. The Embassy of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in India. (134) ZAIRE. H.E. the Ambassador of the Republic of Zaire in India. The Embassy of the Republic of Zaire in India. The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Embassy of the Republic of Zaire in India. (exemption restricted to goods from bonded stores only). (135) ZAMBIA. The High Commission of Zambia in India (for sales intended for official use). The Diplomatic Officers (including their spouses) of the Zambian High Commission in India (for sales intended for personal use). (exemption is restricted to goods manufactured or produced in India and not imported from out of India). (136) ZIMBABVE. The Zimbabve High Commission for its official purchases only upon certification of the Head of Mission Charged Affairs. |
(137) Borlaug Institute for South Asia (BISA) |