16 Particulars of every subscriber to be filed with the Registrar at the time of incorporation.
(1) The following particulars of every subscriber to the memorandum shall be filed with the Registrar-
(a) Name (including surname or family name) and recent Photograph affixed and scan with MOA and AOA:
(b) Father’s/Mother’s/ name:
(c) Nationality:
(d) Date of Birth:
(e) Place of Birth (District and State):
(f) Educational qualification:
(g) Occupation:
(h) Income-tax permanent account number:
(i) Permanent residential address and also Present address (Time since residing at present address and address of previous residence address (es) if stay of present address is less than one year) similarly the office/business addresses :
(j) Email id of Subscriber;
(k) Phone No. of Subscriber;
(l) Fax no. of Subscriber (optional)
Explanation.- information related to (i) to (l) shall be of the individual subscriber and not of the professional engaged in the incorporation of the company;
(m) Proof of Identity:
For Indian Nationals:
For Foreign nationals and Non Resident Indians
(n) Residential proof such as Bank Statement, Electricity Bill, Telephone / Mobile Bill:
Provided that Bank statement Electricity bill, Telephone or Mobile bill shall not be more than two months old;
(o) Proof of nationality in case the subscriber is a foreign national.
(p) If the subscriber is already a director or promoter of a company(s), the particulars relating to-
(i) Name of the company;
(ii) Corporate Identity Number;
(iii) Whether interested as a director or promoter;
1[(q) the promoter or first director shall self attest his signature and latest photograph in Form No.INC.10".]