RULE 4. CENVAT credit in certain cases. —
(1) When inputs on which CENVAT credit has been taken, are removed as such from the factory, the manufacturer of the final products shall pay an amount equal to the credit availed in respect of such inputs and such removal shall be made under the cover of an invoice referred to in rule 11.
(2) If the value of any input, on which CENVAT credit has been taken is written off fully or partially or where any provision to write off fully or partially has been made in the books of account then the manufacturer shall pay an amount equivalent to the CENVAT credit taken in respect of the said input :
Provided that if the said input is subsequently used in the manufacture of final products, the manufacturer shall be entitled to take the credit of the amount equivalent to the CENVAT credit paid earlier subject to the other provisions of these rules.
(3) Where on any goods manufactured or produced by an assessee, the payment of duty is ordered to be remitted under rule 17 of the Central Excise Rules, 2017, the CENVAT credit taken on the inputs used in the manufacture or production of said goods shall be reversed.
Explanation 1. - The amount payable under sub-rules (1), (2) and (3), unless specified otherwise, shall be paid by the manufacturer of goods by debiting the CENVAT credit or otherwise on or before the 5th day of the following month except for the month of March, where such payment shall be made on or before the 31st day of the month of March.
Explanation 2. - If the manufacturer of goods fails to pay the amount payable under sub-rules (1), (2) and (3), it shall be recovered, in the manner as provided in rule 16, for recovery of CENVAT credit wrongly taken and utilised.
(4) The amount paid under sub-rule (1) shall be eligible as CENVAT credit as if, it was a duty paid by the person who removed such goods under sub-rule (1).