41. Power of commission to exempt particular classes of goods from sections 39 and 40.
(1) The Commission may, on a reference made to it by the 1[Director General] or any other person interested, by order, direct that goods of any class specified in the order shall be exempt from the operation of sections 39 and 40 if the Commission is satisfied that in default of a system of maintained minimum resale prices applicable to those goods – 1
(a) the quality of goods available for sale or the varieties of goods so available would be substantially reduced to the detriment of the public as consumers or users of those goods, or
(b) the prices at which the goods are sold by retail would, in general and in the long run, be increased to the detriment of the public as such consumers or users, or
(c) any necessary services actually provided in connection with or after the sale of the goods by retail would cease to be so provided or would be substantially reduced to the detriment of the public as such consumers or users.
(2) On a reference under this section in respect of goods of any class which have been the subject of proceedings before the Commission under section 31, the Commission may treat as conclusive any evidence of fact made in those proceedings.