248. Liquidator to pay the balance into public account.
(1) Upon an order for dissolution being made, the Liquidator shall forthwith pay into the LLPs Liquidation Account in the public account of India any unclaimed or unpaid distributable sum payable to creditors or undistributed or unpaid assets refundable to partners in his hands on the date of the order of dissolution, and such other balance in his hands as he has been directed by the Tribunal to deposit into the LLPs Liquidation Account.
(2) A copy of the order of dissolution shall, within thirty days from the date thereof, be forwarded by the Liquidator to the Registrar in Form No. 11 who shall make in his books a minute of the dissolution of the LLP and along with the copy of the order shall be filed with the Registrar, a statement signed by the Liquidator that the directions of the Tribunal regarding the application of the balance as per his final account have been duly complied with.
Explanation:- In computing the period of thirty days from the date of the order, the requisite time for obtaining a certified copy of the order shall be excluded.