37. Partners, officers, employees, etc. to discover and deliver property, books, etc. and to cooperate with Liquidator.
(1) The partners, designated partners, officers and employees, past and present including Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance Officer of the LLP shall discover all the property, assets, effects, actionable claims, books of accounts or other documents and deliver the possession thereof to the liquidator or the
Provisional Liquidator, as the case may be, within sixty days of the relevant date as defined in rule 28. It shall be the duty of all persons having custody of any property, assets, effects, books of account or other documents to deliver possession thereof to the liquidator.
(2) The partners, designated partners, officers and employees, past and present, including Chief Executive Officer and Chief Finance Officer and auditors shall extend full cooperation to the Liquidator in discharge of his functions and duties. The liquidator may hold personal interviews with any such person including the person having custody of property, assets, effects, books of accounts or other documents for the purpose of investigating the LLP’s affairs, and it shall be the duty of every such person to attend on the liquidator at such time and place as the liquidator may appoint and give the liquidator all information that he may require and answer all such questions as may be put to him by the liquidator. The liquidator shall maintain minutes of the interview held by him or memoranda containing the substance of such interviews. In case of any failure to extent such cooperation, Liquidator may apply to the Tribunal for such directions