14 Attendance and Appearance of Creditors and Contributories
(1) Attendance at proceedings -
(i) Save as otherwise provided by these Rules or by an order of Tribunal, every person for the time being on the list of contributories of the company and every creditor whose debt has been admitted by Company Liquidator wholly or in part shall be at liberty at his own expense to attend the proceedings before the Tribunal or before the Company Liquidator and shall be entitled upon payment of the costs occasioned thereby to have notice or all such proceedings as he shall, by request in writing addressed to the Company Liquidator, desire to have notice of; but if the Tribunal shall be of opinion that the attendance of any such person has occasioned any additional costs which ought not to be borne by the funds of the company, it may direct such costs or a gross sum in lieu thereof to be paid by such person and such person shall not be entitled to attend any further proceedings until he had paid the same. No contributory or creditor shall be entitled to attend any proceedings before the Bench, unless and until he or an Authorised representative on his behalf has filed a memo of appearance with the Registrar. The Registrar shall keep an "Appearance Book" in which all such appearances shall be entered.
(2) Representation of creditors and contributories before Tribunal.- The Tribunal may, if it thinks fit, appoint from time to time any one or more of the creditors or contributories to represent before the Tribunal at the expense of the company all or any class of creditors or contributories upon any question or in relation to any proceedings before the Tribunal, and may remove any person so appointed, if more than one person is appointed under this Rule to represent one class. The persons so appointed, shall employ the same authorised representative to represent them, and where they fail to agree as to the authorised representative to be employed, the Bench may nominate an authorised representative for them.