9 Dematerialisation of securities
(1) The promoters of every public company making a public offer of any convertible securities may hold such securities only in dematerialised form:
Provided that the entire holding of convertible securities of the company by the promoters held in physical form up to the date of the initial public offer shall be converted into dematerialised form before such offer is made and thereafter such promoter shareholding shall be held in dematerialized form only.
1[(2) Every public company which issued share warrants prior to commencement of the Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013) and not converted into shares shall, -
(a) within a period of three months of the commencement of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Second Amendment Rules, 2023 inform the Registrar about the details of such share warrants in Form PAS-7; and
(b) within a period of six months of the commencement of the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Second Amendment Rules, 2023, require the bearers of the share warrants to surrender such warrants to the company and get the shares dematerialised in their account and for this purpose the company shall place a notice for the bearers of share warrants in Form PAS-8 on the website of the company, if any and shall also publish the same in a newspaper in the vernacular language which is in circulation in the district and in English language in an English newspaper, widely circulated in the State in which the registered office of the company is situated.
3) In case any bearer of share warrant does not surrender the share warrants within the period referred to in sub-rule (2), the company shall convert the such share warrants into dematerialised form and transfer the same to the Investor Education and Protection Fund established under section 125 of the Act.]
1. Inserted by the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Second Amendment Rules, 2023 dated 27th October, 2023.