Computation of undisclosed income of the block period.
2[(1) The total income referred to in sub-section (1) of section 158BA of the block period shall be the aggregate of the following:––
(i) undisclosed income declared in the return furnished under section 158BC;
(ii) income assessed under sub-section (3) of section 143 or section 144 or section 147 or section 153A or section 153C prior to the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition, as the case may be;
(iii) income declared in the return of income filed under section 139 or in response to a notice under subsection (1) of section 142 or section 148 prior to the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition, and not covered under clause (i) or clause (ii);
(iv) income determined––
(a) in respect of a previous year, where such previous year has ended and the due date for furnishing the return for such year has not expired prior to the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition, on the basis of entries relating
to such income or transactions as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course before the date of initiation of search or the date of requisition;
(b) in respect of period commencing from 1st day of April of the previous year in which the search is initiated or requisition is made and ending on the day immediately preceding the date of initiation of search or requisition, on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course for such period on or before the day immediately preceding the date of initiation of search or the date of requisition;
(c) in respect of period commencing from the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition and ending on the date of the execution of the last of the authorisations for search or requisition, on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course for such period on or before the date of the execution of the last of the authorisations;
(v) undisclosed income determined by the Assessing Officer under sub-section (2).]
(2) The undisclosed income falling within the block period, forming part of the total income referred to in sub-section (1) of section 158BA, shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of this Act, on the basis of evidence found as a result of search or survey or requisition of books of account or other documents and any other material or information as are either available with the Assessing Officer or come to his notice during the course of proceedings under this Chapter.
3[3) Where any income required to be determined as a result of search or requisition of books of account or other documents and any other material or information as are either available with the Assessing Officer or come to his notice during the course of proceedings under this Chapter, or determined on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course on or before the date of the execution of the last of the authorisations, relates to any international transaction or specified domestic transaction referred to in section 92CA, pertaining to the period beginning from the 1st day of April of the previous year in which last of the authorisations was executed and ending with the date on which last of the authorisations was executed, such income shall not be considered for the purposes of determining the total income of the block period and such income shall be considered in the assessment made under the other provisions of this Act.]
(4)For the purposes of determination of undisclosed income,––
(a)of a firm, such income assessed for each of the previous yearsfalling within the block period shall be the income determined before allowing deduction of salary, interest, commission, bonus or remuneration by whatever name called to any partner not being a working partner;
(b)the provisions of sections 68, 69, 69A, 69B and 69C shall, sofar as may be, apply and references to “financial year” in those sections shall be construed as references to the relevant previous year falling in the block period;(c)the provisions of section 92CA shall, so far as may be, applyand references to “previous year” in that section shall be construed as reference to the relevant previous year falling in the block period excluding the period referred to in sub-section (3).
(5)The tax referred to in sub-section (7) of section 158BA shall becharged on the total income determined in the manner specified in sub-section (1) as reduced by the total income referred to in clause (ii), clause (iii) and clause (iv) of sub-section (1).
(6)For the purposes of sub-section (1) and sub-section (5), if the 4[undisclosed income declared] under clause (i) of sub-section (1) or where the income disclosed in respect of any previous year comprising the block period, or the returned income or assessed income under clause (ii) or clause (iii) of sub-section (1) or where the income as determined under clause (iv), is a loss, it shall be ignored.
(7)For the purposes of assessment under this Chapter, losses broughtforward from the previous year (prior to the first previous year comprising the block period) under Chapter VI or unabsorbed depreciation under sub-section (2) of section 32 shall not be set off against the undisclosed income determined in the block assessment under this Chapter but may be carried forward for being set off in the previous year subsequent to the assessment year in which the block period ends, for the remaining period, taking into account the block period and such assessment year, and in accordance with the provisions of this Act.]
1. Substituted by the Finance Bill 2024 dated 07.08.2024 w.e.f 01.09.2024
158BB. (1) The undisclosed income of the block period shall be the aggregate of the total income of the previous years falling within the block period computed, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, on the basis of evidence found as a result of search or requisition of books of account or other documents and such other materials or information as are available with the Assessing Officer and relatable to such evidence, as reduced by the aggregate of the total income, or as the case may be, as increased by the aggregate of the losses of such previous years, determined,—
(a) where assessments under section 143 or section 144 or section 147 have been concluded prior to the date of commencement of the search or the date of requisition, on the basis of such assessments;
(b) where returns of income have been filed under section 139 or in response to a notice issued under sub-section (1) of section 142 or section 148 but assessments have not been made till the date of search or requisition, on the basis of the income disclosed in such returns;
(c) where the due date for filing a return of income has expired, but no return of income has been filed,—
(A) on the basis of entries as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course on or before the date of the search or requisition where such entries result in computation of loss for any previous year falling in the block period; or
(B) on the basis of entries as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course on or before the date of the search or requisition where such income does not exceed the maximum amount not chargeable to tax for any previous year falling in the block period;
(ca) where the due date for filing a return of income has expired, but no return of income has been filed, as nil, in cases not falling under clause (c);
(d) where the previous year has not ended or the date of filing the return of income under sub-section (1) of section 139 has not expired, on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course on or before the date of the search or requisition relating to such previous years;
(e) where any order of settlement has been made under sub-section (4) of section 245D, on the basis of such order;
(f) where an assessment of undisclosed income had been made earlier under clause (c) of section 158BC, on the basis of such assessment.
Explanation.—For the purposes of determination of undisclosed income,—
(a) the total income or loss of each previous year shall, for the purpose of aggregation, be taken as the total income or loss computed in accordance with the provisions of this Act without giving effect to set off of brought forward losses under Chapter VI or unabsorbed depreciation under sub-section (2) of section 32:
Provided that in computing deductions under Chapter VI-A for the purposes of the said aggregation, effect shall be given to set off of brought forward losses under Chapter VI or unabsorbed depreciation under sub-section (2) of section 32;
(b) of a firm, returned income and total income assessed for each of the previous years falling within the block period shall be the income determined before allowing deduction of salary, interest, commission, bonus or remuneration by whatever name called to any partner not being a working partner :
Provided that undisclosed income of the firm so determined shall not be chargeable to tax in the hands of the partners, whether on allocation or on account of enhancement;
(c) assessment under section 143 includes determination of income under sub-section (1) or sub-section (1B) of section 143.
(2) In computing the undisclosed income of the block period, the provisions of sections 68, 69, 69A, 69B and 69C shall, so far as may be, apply and references to "financial year" in those sections shall be construed as references to the relevant previous year falling in the block period including the previous year ending with the date of search or of the requisition.
(3) The burden of proving to the satisfaction of the Assessing Officer that any undisclosed income had already been disclosed in any return of income filed by the assessee before the commencement of search or of the requisition, as the case may be, shall be on the assessee.
(4) For the purpose of assessment under this Chapter, losses brought forward from the previous year under Chapter VI or unabsorbed depreciation under sub-section (2) of section 32 shall not be set off against the undisclosed income determined in the block assessment under this Chapter, but may be carried forward for being set off in the regular assessments.
the following Chapter shall be substituted namely
158BB. (1) The total income referred to in sub-section (1) of section 158BA of the block period shall be the aggregate of the following, namely:––
(i) total income disclosed in the return furnished under section 158BC;
(ii) total income assessed under sub-section (3) of section 143 or section 144 or section 147 or section 153A or section 153C prior to the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition, as the case may be;
(iii) total income declared in the return of income filed under section 139 or in response to a notice under sub-section (1) of section 142 or section 148 and not covered under clause (i) or clause (ii);
(iv) total income determined where the previous year has not ended, on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course on or before the date of last of the authorisations for the search or requisition relating to such previous year;
(v) undisclosed income determined by the Assessing Officer under sub-section (2).
(2) The undisclosed income falling within the block period, forming part of the total income referred to in sub-section (1) of section 158BA, shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of this Act, on the basis of evidence found as a result of search or survey or requisition of books of account or other documents and any other material or information as are either available with the Assessing Officer or come to his notice during the course of proceedings under this Chapter.
(3) Where any evidence found as a result of search or requisition of books of account or other documents and any other material or information as are either available with the Assessing Officer or come to his notice during the course of proceedings under this Chapter, or determined on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course on or before the date of the search or requisition, relates to any international transaction or specified domestic transaction referred to in section 92CA, pertaining to the period beginning from the 1st day of April of the previous year in which last of the authorisations was executed and ending with the date on which last of the authorisations was executed, such evidence shall not be considered for the purposes of determining the total income of the block period and such income shall be considered in the assessment made under the other provisions of this Act.
(4)For the purposes of determination of undisclosed income,––
(a)of a firm, such income assessed for each of the previous yearsfalling within the block period shall be the income determined before allowing deduction of salary, interest, commission, bonus or remuneration by whatever name called to any partner not being a working partner;
(b)the provisions of sections 68, 69, 69A, 69B and 69C shall, sofar as may be, apply and references to “financial year” in those sections shall be construed as references to the relevant previous year falling in the block period;(c)the provisions of section 92CA shall, so far as may be, applyand references to “previous year” in that section shall be construed as reference to the relevant previous year falling in the block period excluding the period referred to in sub-section (3).
(5)The tax referred to in sub-section (7) of section 158BA shall becharged on the total income determined in the manner specified in sub-section (1) as reduced by the total income referred to in clause (ii), clause (iii) and clause (iv) of sub-section (1).
(6)For the purposes of sub-section (1) and sub-section (5), if thedisclosed income under clause (i) of sub-section (1) or where the income disclosed in respect of any previous year comprising the block period, or the returned income or assessed income under clause (ii) or clause (iii) of sub-section (1) or where the income as determined under clause (iv), is a loss, it shall be ignored.
(7)For the purposes of assessment under this Chapter, losses broughtforward from the previous year (prior to the first previous year comprising the block period) under Chapter VI or unabsorbed depreciation under sub-section (2) of section 32 shall not be set off against the undisclosed income determined in the block assessment under this Chapter but may be carried forward for being set off in the previous year subsequent to the assessment year in which the block period ends, for the remaining period, taking into account the block period and such assessment year, and in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
2. Substituted by The Finance Bill 2025 w.e.f 01.02.2025
for sub-section (1), For the word,
1. [158BB. (1) The total income referred to in sub-section (1) of section 158BA of the block period shall be the aggregate of the following, namely:––
(i) total income disclosed in the return furnished under section 158BC;
(ii) total income assessed under sub-section (3) of section 143 or section 144 or section 147 or section 153A or section 153C prior to the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition, as the case may be;
(iii) total income declared in the return of income filed under section 139 or in response to a notice under sub-section (1) of section 142 or section 148 and not covered under clause (i) or clause (ii);
(iv) total income determined where the previous year has not ended, on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course on or before the date of last of the authorisations for the search or requisition relating to such previous year;
(v) undisclosed income determined by the Assessing Officer under sub-section (2).
the following Chapter shall be substituted namely--
(1) The total income referred to in sub-section (1) of section 158BA of the block period shall be the aggregate of the following:––
(i) undisclosed income declared in the return furnished under section 158BC;
(ii) income assessed under sub-section (3) of section 143 or section 144 or section 147 or section 153A or section 153C prior to the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition, as the case may be;
(iii) income declared in the return of income filed under section 139 or in response to a notice under subsection (1) of section 142 or section 148 prior to the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition, and not covered under clause (i) or clause (ii);
(iv) income determined––
(a) in respect of a previous year, where such previous year has ended and the due date for furnishing the return for such year has not expired prior to the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition, on the basis of entries relating
to such income or transactions as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course before the date of initiation of search or the date of requisition;
(b) in respect of period commencing from 1st day of April of the previous year in which the search is initiated or requisition is made and ending on the day immediately preceding the date of initiation of search or requisition, on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course for such period on or before the day immediately preceding the date of initiation of search or the date of requisition;
(c) in respect of period commencing from the date of initiation of the search or the date of requisition and ending on the date of the execution of the last of the authorisations for search or requisition, on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in the books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course for such period on or before the date of the execution of the last of the authorisations;
(v) undisclosed income determined by the Assessing Officer under sub-section (2).”;
3. Substituted by The Finance Bill 2025 w.e.f 01.02.2025
for sub-section (3), For the word,
(3) Where any evidence found as a result of search or requisition of books of account or other documents and any other material or information as are either available with the Assessing Officer or come to his notice during the course of proceedings under this Chapter, or determined on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course on or before the date of the search or requisition, relates to any international transaction or specified domestic transaction referred to in section 92CA, pertaining to the period beginning from the 1st day of April of the previous year in which last of the authorisations was executed and ending with the date on which last of the authorisations was executed, such evidence shall not be considered for the purposes of determining the total income of the block period and such income shall be considered in the assessment made under the other provisions of this Act.
the following Chapter shall be substituted namely--
3) Where any income required to be determined as a result of search or requisition of books of account or other documents and any other material or information as are either available with the Assessing Officer or come to his notice during the course of proceedings under this Chapter, or determined on the basis of entries relating to such income or transactions as recorded in books of account and other documents maintained in the normal course on or before the date of the execution of the last of the authorisations, relates to any international transaction or specified domestic transaction referred to in section 92CA, pertaining to the period beginning from the 1st day of April of the previous year in which last of the authorisations was executed and ending with the date on which last of the authorisations was executed, such income shall not be considered for the purposes of determining the total income of the block period and such income shall be considered in the assessment made under the other provisions of this Act.
4. Substituted by The Finance Bill 2025 w.e.f 01.02.2025
for sub-section (6), For the word,
disclosed income
the following Chapter shall be substituted namely--
undisclosed income declared