10 Where Articles Contains Entrenchment Provisions
Where the articles contain the provisions for entrenchment, the company shall give notice to the Registrar of such provisions in *Form No.INC.2 or 2[1[Form No.lNC-7] or 3,4[SPICe+ (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating company Electronically Plus: INC-32)] as the case may be, along with the fee as provided in the Companies (Registration offices and fees) Rules, 2014 at the time of incorporation of the company or in case of existing companies, the same shall be filed in Form No.MGT.14 within thirty days from the date of entrenchment of the articles, as the case may be, along with the fee as provided in the Companies (Registration offices and fees) Rules, 2014.
*Form No. INC.2 has been omitted w.e.f. 1st January, 2017 vide MCA Notification Dated 29th December 2016.
1. Substituted by Companies (Incorporation) 5th Amendment Rules 2016 Dated 29th December 2016.
in rule 10, for the words and figures ‘Form No.INC-7′ the words and figures 'Form No.lNC-7 or Form No INC-32(SPlCe)’ shall be substituted.
2.Omitted by The Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2018.
3. Substituted by The Companies (lncorporation) Amendment Rules, 2020 Dated 06th February,2020. Effective from 15th February, 2020
in rule 10, for the words and figures 'Form No INC-32(SPlCe)' the words and figures 'SPICe+ (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating company Electronically Plus: INC-32)' shall be substituted.
4. Substituted by The Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2020. Dated 18.02.2020 Amendement Effective From 23.02.2020
in rule 10, for the words and figures 'Form No INC-32(SPlCe)' the words and figures 'SPICe+ (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating company Electronically Plus: INC-32)' shall be substituted.