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4. Substituted by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 In section (73),sub section (2),clause (c) "(c) depositing such sum which shall not be less than fifteen per cent of the amount of its deposits maturing during a financial year and the financial year next following, and kept in a scheduled bank in a separate bank account to be called as deposit repayment reserve account". The following Clause shall be substituted, namely :- "(c) depositing, on or before the thirtieth day of April each year, such sum which shall not be less than twenty per cent. of the amount of its deposits maturing during the following financial year and kept in a scheduled bank in a separate bank account to be called deposit repayment reserve account."
5. Omitted by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017
In section (73),sub section (2), clause (e) for the words:- "such deposits" The following words shall be substituted, namely :- "such deposits and where a default had occurred, the company made good the default and a period of five years had lapsed since the date of making good the default"
Exceptions/ Modifications/ Adaptations 1. In case of private company - Clause (a) to (e) of Sub-section 2 of Section 73 shall not apply to private Companies which accepts from its members monies not exceeding one hundred per cent, of aggregate of the paid up share capital and free reserves, and such company shall file the details of monies so accepted to the Registrar in such manner as may be specified. - Notification dated 5th june, 2015. 2. In case of Specified IFSC Public Company - Clauses (a) to (e) of subsection (2) of section 73 Shall not apply to a Specified IFSC public company which accepts from its members, monies not exceeding one hundred per cent. of aggregate of the paid up share capital and free reserves, and such company shall file the details of monies so accepted to the Registrar in such manner as may be specified. - Notification Date 4th January, 2017. 3. In case of private company - Clause (a) to (e) of Sub-section 2 of Section 73 shall not apply to private Companies - Notification Dated 13th June, 2017 For Entry no. 6 of Exceptions/ Modifications/ Adaptations Dated 5th June, 2015 (Clause (a) to (e) of Sub-section 2 of Section 73 shall not apply to private Companies which accepts from its members monies not exceeding one hundred per cent, of aggregate of the paid up share capital and free reserves, and such company shall file the details of monies so accepted to the Registrar in such manner as may be specified) the following entry shall be substituted - (A) which accepts from its members monies not exceeding one hundred per cent. of aggregate of the paid up share capital, free reserves and securities premium account; or (B) which is a start-up, for five years from the date of its incorporation; or (C) which fulfils all of the following conditions, namely:- (a) which is not an associate or a subsidiary company of any other company; (b) if the borrowings of such a company from banks or financial institutions or any body corporate is less than twice of its paid up share capital or fifty crore rupees, whichever is lower; and (c) such a company has not defaulted in the repayment of such borrowings subsisting at the time of accepting deoosits under this section: Provided that the company referred to in clauses (A), (B) or (C) shall file the details of monies accepted to the Registrar in such manner as may be specified.". - Notification Dated 13th June, 2017