1.Diplomatic Missions/Consulates of Countries and International Organizations listed below and their Diplomats/International Officers in respect of Purchases made by them for official or personal use.
Entry No. | Registration No./TIN | Embassy Name | Condition |
A-1 | 07179892002 | Afghanistan | |
A-2 | 07709895445 | Albania Republic of | |
A-3 | 07089892003 | Algeria | |
A-4 | 07969892004 | Angola | |
A-5 | 07789892006 | Argentina | |
A-6 | 07699892007 | Armenia | |
A-7 | 07519892009 | Australia | |
A-8 | 07429892010 | Austria | |
A-9 | 07339892011 | Azerbaijan | |
A-10 | 07249892012 | Bangladesh | Except (a) on hotel bills, restaurant bills and utility bills in respect of both official purchases of the Mission/ Posts and personal purchases of diplomats. (b) on personal purchases by diplomats of locally manufactured goods, petrol, diesel and other fuel. [omitted] |
A-11 | 07979892241 | Bahrain | |
A-12 | 0715989201 | Belarus | |
A-13 | 07949892015 | Belgium | |
A-14 | 07619895446 | Benin Republic of | |
A-15 | 07859892016 | Bhutan | |
A-16 | 07839892221 | Bosnia & Herzegovina | |
A-17 | 07819892232 | Botswana | |
A-18 | 07769892017 | Brazil | |
A-19 | 07679892018 | Brunei Darussalam | |
A-20 | 07589892019 | Bulgaria | |
A-21 | 07749892222 | Burkina Faso | |
A-22 | 07529895447 | Burundi Republic of | |
A-23 | 07499892020 | Cambodia | |
A-24 | 07319892022 | Canada |
A-25 | 07229892023 | China |
A-26 | 07139892024 | Columbia | |
A-27 | 07049892025 | Congo-Democratic Republic of |
A-28 | 07109892283 | Costa Rica | |
A-29 | 07359898693 | Congo Republic of | |
A-30 | 07749892028 | Cote-D' Ivoire | |
A-31 | 07659892029 | Croatia | |
A-32 | 07569892030 | Cuba | |
A-33 | 07479892031 | Cyprus | |
A-34 | 07299892033 | Czech Republic | 1 [***] |
A-35 | 07119892035 | Denmark | |
A-36 | 07659892223 | Djibouti Republic of | |
A-37 | 07459892236 | Dominican Republic | |
A-38 | 07819892038 | Ecuador | The minimum invoice value per purchase per dealer for exemption/refund of VAT in respect of the Embassy and Diplomats will be Rs.12500/- |
A-39 | 07729892039 | Egypt | |
A-40 | 07989892284 | EL Salvador Republic of | |
A-41 | 07549892041 | Eritrea | |
A-42 | 07439895448 | Estonia Republic of | Exemption/refund for official and personal purchases of goods (except food items) by it and its diplomatic officers. |
A-43 | 07369892043 | Ethiopia | |
A-44 | 07279892044 | Finland | |
A-45 | 07189892045 | France | (a) Official purchases of the Embassy / Consulates General (Chancery and Residence of Heads of Mission/Post):
(i) Exemption/Refund of VAT will be allowed only on purchase of office furniture, vehicles, stationery, telephone, gas, electricity, water, internet, fuel and household of the Head of Mission/Head of Post (ii) Exemption/Refund will not be allowed on repair and maintenance of vehicles other than the Flag car (official Vehicle of the Ambassador/Consul General) (iii) the minimum invoice value per purchase per dealer for exemption/refund of VAT will be Rs.9500 per invoice. (b) Personal purchases of the diplomatic level officers (other than Head of Mission/Head of Post) (i) Exemption/Refund of VAT will be allowed only on purchase of vehicles. (ii) The minimum invoice value per purchase per dealer for exemption/refund of VAT will be 9,500 per invoice. |
A-46 | 07829891984 | Georgia | |
A-47 | 07259895450 | Gabon Republic of | For official purchases of Gabon in New Delhi. |
A-48 | 07349895449 | Gambia Republic of | |
A-49 | 07619892051 | Germany | (i) The minimum invoice value per purchase per dealer for exemption/refund of VAT in respect of the Embassy/Consulates and Diplomats will be Rs.5,600.
(ii) In respect of personal purchases of diplomats, the maximum limit for exemption/refund will be Rs.33,600 (excluding VAT on purchases of vehicles) per Financial Year. (iii) Exemption/refund of VAT will not be available in respect of food stuff and tobacco products. |
A-50 | 07439892053 | Ghana | |
A-51 | 07259892055 | Greece | |
A-52 | 07539892289 | Guinea Republic of | |
A-53 | 07069892305 | Guatemala Republic of | |
A-54 | 07169892056 | Guyana | |
A-55 | 07689892061 | Hungary | |
A-56 | 07419892064 | Holy See | |
A-57 | 07729892233 | Iceland | |
A-58 | 07239892066 | Indonesia | |
A-59 | 07149892067 | Iran | |
A-60 | 07059892068 | Iraq | |
A-61 | 07849892070 | Ireland | |
A-62 | 07579892073 | Israel | |
A-63 | 07399892075 | Italy | |
A-64 | 07309892076 | Japan | |
A-65 | 07129892078 | Jordan | |
A-66 | 07829892081 | Kazakhstan | |
A-67 | 07739892082 | Kenya | |
A-68 | 07649892083 | Korea-Republic of | |
A-69 | 07469892085 | Korea (D.P.R) | |
A-70 | 07289892087 | Kuwait | |
A-71 | 07109892089 | Kyrghyz Republic of | |
A-72 | 07899892091 | Laos | |
A-73 | 07809892092 | Lebanon | |
A-74 | 07629892094 | Lesotho | |
A-75 | 07449892096 | Libya | |
A-76 | 07669891975 | Lithuania Republic of | |
A-77 | 07359892097 | Grand Duchy of Luxembourg | (i) For official use:
All purchases made against a single tax invoice subject to the restriction that the minimum invoice limit shall be Rs.9000/- excluding tax For personal use of diplomats: (ii) The minimum invoice limit shall be Rs.18,000/- excluding tax. (iii) Exemption/Refund of VAT shall not be granted on food items, drinks and meals. |
A-78 | 07579891976 | Macedonia Republic of | |
A-79 | 07649891986 | Madagascar Republic of | |
A-80 | 07269892098 | Malaysia | |
A-81 | 07179892099 | Maldives | |
A-82 | 07369892237 | Malta | |
A-83 | 07169895451 | Mali Republic of | |
A-84 | 07089892100 | Mauritius | |
A-85 | 07969892101 | Mexico | |
A-86 | 07879892102 | Mongolia | |
A-87 | 07789892103 | Morocco | |
A-88 | 07699892104 | Mozambique | |
A-89 | 07609892105 | Myanmar | |
A-90 | 07519892106 | Namibia | |
A-91 | 07429892107 | Nepal | |
A-92 | 07339892108 | Netherlands | |
A-93 | 07719892287 | Niger Republic of | Exemption/refund for its official purchases. |
A-94 | 07249892109 | Nigeria | |
A-95 | 07159892110 | Norway | |
A-96 | 07069892111 | Oman | |
A-97 | 07859892113 | Palestine | |
A-99 | 07569892224 | Papua New Guinea | |
A-100 | 07639892234 | Paraguay | |
A-101 | 07589892116 | Philippines | |
A-102 | 07499892117 | Poland | |
A-103 | 07229892120 | Portugal | |
A-104 | 07049892122 | Qatar | |
A-105 | 07839892124 | Romania | |
A-106 | 07659892126 | Rwanda | |
A-107 | 07569892127 | Saudi Arabia | |
A-108 | 07479892128 | Senegal | |
A-109 | 07299892130 | Serbia & Montenegro | |
A-110 | 07809892286 | Seychelles Republic of | |
A-111 | 07209892131 | Singapore | (i) Exemption/refund of VAT will be granted for purchases for official use of High Commissioner/Consulate General/Consulate.
(ii) The facility of exemption/refund of VAT on goods other than water, electricity and cooking gas withdrawn for purchases made for personal use of diplomats. |
A-112 | 07119892132 | Slovak Republic | |
A-113 | 07029892133 | Slovenia | |
A-114 | 07909892134 | Somalia | |
A-115 | 07819892135 | South Africa | |
A-116 | 07729892136 | Spain | |
A-117 | 07639892137 | Sri Lanka | |
A-118 | 07549892138 | Sudan | |
A-119 | 07079895452 | South Sudan Republic of | |
A-120 | 07459892139 | Suriname | |
A-121 | 07369892140 | Sweden | |
A-122 | 07279892141 | Switzerland | |
A-123 | 07189892142 | Syria | |
A-124 | 07389892226 | Tanzania | |
A-125 | 07189892239 | Taipei Economic & Cultural Centre (TECC) | |
A-126 | 07179898695 | Tajikistan Republic of | |
A-127 | 07099892143 | Thailand | |
A-128 | 07219891980 | Togo Republic of | |
A-129 | 07889892145 | Trinidad & Tobago | |
A-130 | 07799892146 | Tunisia | |
A-131 | 07709892147 | Turkey | |
A-132 | 07299892227 | Turkmenistan | |
A-133 | 07619892148 | Uganda | |
A-134 | 07529892149 | Ukraine | |
A-135 | 07349892151 | United Arab Emirates | |
A-136 | 07259892152 | United Kingdom | |
A-137 | 07169892153 | Uruguay | |
A-138 | 07079892154 | USA | |
A-139 | 07689892158 | Uzbekistan | |
A-140 | 07599892159 | Venezuela | |
A-141 | 07509892160 | Vietnam | |
A-142 | 07419892161 | Yemen | |
A-143 | 07329892162 | Zambia | |
A-144 | 07239892163 | Zimbabwe |
Entry No. | Registration No./TIN | Organisation Name | Condition |
B-1 | 07939892166 | Asian Development Bank (ADB) | |
B-2 | 07849892167 | Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nation- FAO | |
B-3 | 07759892168 | International Labour Organization (ILO) | |
B-4 | 07269892195 | United Nation Children's Fund (UNICEF) | |
B-5 | 07179892196 | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) | |
B-6 | 07089892197 | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | |
B-7 | 07699892201 | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | |
B-8 | 07699892201 | United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) | |
B-9 | 07609892202 | United Nations Military Observer Group for India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) | |
B-10 | 07519892203 | United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) | |
B-11 | 07429892204 | World Health Organization (WHO) | |
B-12 | 07249892206 | International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Technology (ICGEB) | |
B-13 | 07159892207 | European Union | |
B-14 | 07069892208 | League of Arab States | |
B-15 | 07949892209 | Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization | |
B-16 | 07859892210 | Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization | |
B-17 | 07679892212 | United States Agenvy for International Development Mission (USAID) | |
B-18 | 07589892213 | World Bank | |
B-19 | 07499892214 | International Finance Corporation | |
B-20 | 07319892216 | International Monetory Fund | |
B-21 | 07319892217 | World Food Programme | |
B-22 | 07139892218 | Asian & Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology | |
B-23 | 07049892219 | International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) | |
B-24 | 07929892220 | International Corps Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) | |
B-25 | 07109891992 | Commonwealth Education Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) | |
B-26 | 07309891979 | South Asian University, New Delhi (which includes its project office) | FOR VAT exemption/refund on official purchases and personal purchases of its internationally recrutied officers. |
B-27 | 07559891987 | Global Development Network (GDN) | In respect of its official purchase in New Delhi and personal purchases of its internationally recruited officials |
B-28 | 07899892285 | South Asia Regional Delegation of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in New Delhi | In respect of official purchases. |
Further, the sale price of the goods purchased by the Embassy/ Organisations/ qualified persons from a registered dealer against each single tax invoice/retail invoice should exceed rupees five thousand (excluding tax paid, if any) or such other amount as may be notified or unless specified against any of the Embassy/Organisation.