11. Point of tax
(1) The first point in the series of sales shall mean the first sale by a registered dealer in the State or such point in the series of sales as may be notified by the State Government.
(2) The last point in the series of sales shall be the sale in such series by a registered dealer to a consumer or to an unregistered dealer or to a registered dealer for purposes other than resale within the State or to a registered dealer who has opted for payment of tax under subsection (2) of section 3 or section 5 of the Act.
(3) The multiple points in the series of sales shall mean the sale in such series in the State by every registered dealer.
(4) The tax leviable under section 4 of the Act shall be at multiple points in the series of sales, unless otherwise specifically directed by the State Government by a notification,
(5) Notwithstanding any thing contained in sub-rule (1) to (4), different points in the series of sales for registered dealer or class of registered dealers, may be notified by the State Government.