42. Production of Tax Clearance Certificate
Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, no person shall be awarded by -
(i) the State Government; or
(ii) the Central Government; or
(iii) a Company, Corporation, Board, Authority, Undertaking or any other body which is owned, financed or controlled either wholly or partly by the State Government or the Central Government,
any contract involving sale or supply of goods and no person shall be granted any license to carry on any trade or commerce unless he produces to the State Government; or the Central Government; or the Company, Corporation, Board, Authority, Undertaking or any other body which is owned, financed or controlled either wholly or partly by the State Government or the Central Government, a Tax Clearance Certificate, granted by the prescribed authority in the form and manner prescribed, to the effect that the prescribed authority has no objection to the awarding of such contract or the granting of such license to the person concerned:
Provided that no such certificate shall be granted to any person who is not a registered dealer under this Act or, being a registered dealer, has made a default in the payment of any tax, penalty or interest due under this Act:
Provided further that if a person not liable to tax under this Act applies for the grant of certificate under this section and in whose case the value of the contract or, as the case may be, the anticipated turnover in the immediately succeeding twelve months exceeds the limit specified in sub-section (2) of section 3, he shall be granted such certificate subject to the condition that he shall furnish, to the prescribed authority, an undertaking to the effect that he shall apply for grant of certificate of registration in the manner and within the period prescribed and in the event of failure to do so the concerned Government or person or Authority shall terminate the contract awarded to the person.