12. 1[ Where the intending partner is a body corporate, copy of Resolution on the letterhead of such body corporate to become a partner in the proposed LLP and a copy of resolution or authorization of such body corporate also on letterhead mentioning the name and address of an individual nominate to act as nominee or nominee & Designated Partner on its behalf shall be attached.
Provided that in the case of foreign nationals residing outside India or foreign body corporate(s) registered outside India, seeking to register a LLP in India, the name, address and signature of an individual or nominee or nominee & Designated Partner of a body corporate on the incorporation document, proof of identity, where required and documents referred in the rule, shall be duly certified and the provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule 34 of these rules, shall apply mutatis mutandis for this purpose.]
1. Substituted by the Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Rules, 2010, w.e.f. 15-1-2010.
for the words and figures
In case of foreign nationals residing outside India in countries signatory to the Hague Apostile Convention, 1961 and seeking to register a LLP in India, their signatures and address on the incorporation documents and proof of identity, where required, shall be notarized before the notary of the country of their origin and be duly apostillised in accordance with the said Hague Convention.
shall be substituted namely;
Where the intending partner is a body corporate, copy of Resolution on the letterhead of such body corporate to become a partner in the proposed LLP and a copy of resolution or authorization of such body corporate also on letterhead mentioning the name and address of an individual nominate to act as nominee or nominee & Designated Partner on its behalf shall be attached.
Provided that in the case of foreign nationals residing outside India or foreign body corporate(s) registered outside India, seeking to register a LLP in India, the name, address and signature of an individual or nominee or nominee & Designated Partner of a body corporate on the incorporation document, proof of identity, where required and documents referred in the rule, shall be duly certified and the provisions of sub-rule (2) of rule 34 of these rules, shall apply mutatis mutandis for this purpose.