Mode of Service of orders and notices.
1) Unless otherwise provided in the Act, or these
Rules, a notice or other document required or authorized under the Act or these
Rules to be served shall be considered as sufficiently served,-
(a) on a person being an individual other than in a
representative capacity if,-
(i) it is personally served on that person ; or
(ii) it is left at the person’s usual or last known place of
residence or office or business in the State; or
(iii) it is sent by registered post to such place of residence, office or
business, or to the person’s usual or last known address in the State; or
(b) on any other person if,-
(i) it is personally served on the nominated person ; or
(ii) it is left at the registered office of the person or the
person’s address for service of notices under the Act; or
(iii) it is left at or sent by registered post to any office or place of
business of that person in the State;
(iv) where it is returned unserved, if it is put on board in the office of
local chamber of commerce or traders association.
2) The certificate of service signed by the person
serving the notice shall be evidence of the facts stated therein.