Changes in Registration Details:
A dealer registered under Section 17 shall notify the authority prescribed in
writing on Form VAT 112 or on Form TOT 051 as the case may be, within
fourteen days,-
(a) of any change in the name, address, of the place of
business or branches or discontinuation of the business;
(b) of a change in circumstances of the dealer which
leads to cessation of business;
(c) of a change in business activities or in the
nature of taxable sales being made or principal commodities traded.;
(d) of any changes in the constitution of the firm;
(e) of a change in bank account details;
(f) when a dealer commences or ceases to execute
works contract for State Government or local authorities.
2) Where changes in the status of business occur
an application shall be made for fresh registration.
3) (a) where a
dealer intends to change his place of business from the jurisdiction of one
authority to the jurisdiction of another authority in the State, he shall make
an application on Form VAT 112 or on Form TOT 051 as the case may be, with full
particulars relating to the change of address and the reasons for such change,
to the authority prescribed.
(b) the authority prescribed receiving an application on
Form VAT 112 or on Form TOT 051 as the case may be for a change of place
of business shall, on approval of the application, remove such registration from
the existing registration records. The registration file and the
application shall be transferred to the authority prescribed in whose
jurisdiction the proposed new place of business is sought to be established.
(c) The authority prescribed receiving the registration
file shall add the details to the records of that authority, and issue a new
certificate of VAT registration, with the existing TIN and in respect of a TOT
dealer, a new General Registration Number shall be issued wherever necessary;
(d) the change in a place of business and a change in business activities shall not in itself, result in cancellation and fresh registration of a VAT dealer.